filter or not please??????????

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Active Member
Aug 29, 2010
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hi there u jolly brewers out there. well its time i think to bottle my plum wine and sweeten. I first made it in sept 10 one DJ is clearing ok, but the other 3 are not? they same bach and same temp through out?? they aint moved 4 ages shall I be patient and wate longer or can i use vin clear and how much please?? thanx lots :) :idea: ;)
Plum can be a bit of a PITA to clear, especially if you've used boiling water at the start.

Rack again, de-gas and go with finings according to their instructions. If it's the liquid Vinclear it's two capfuls to the gallon, pour them in and give it a shake. If it's the powder, whisk the contents into about half a pint of wine, observe the waiting times as on the sachet, whisk again and divide equally between your DJs.