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Aug 31, 2010
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Hi guys,
Ive got a Bathams bitter clone (extract brew) on the go, the OG was 1050 and i was expecting it to ferment out to 1011. It appears to have been stuck since Friday at 1020, will this be a problem or will it just not be as strong??

I'm gonna give it till Friday and check again but if there is no change shall i continue as normal??

Thanks in advance :cheers:
IMO I'd check the hydro for 3 days to see if there's any drop..I've just bottled a bog standard bitter that was 1019 for about a week...seems to be ok.
Have you tried a stir to wake the little bar-stewards up...worth a try... :pray:
yeh I did do that as i was taking another reading, Ill leave alone till the weekend and then was going to drop it in the garage with finings to clear as i will be putting it in a cornie and slow carbonating it.

You dont think that it will have a negative impact on the flavour though at 1020??
The readings there give an apparent attenuation of just over 61%, so I would say it has a way to go yet.
At an FG of 1011, attenuation is closer to 80%.....which is more realistic.

Has the brew become cold?
I would check the temperature, give it a gentle rouse to get some yeat back in suspension and continue to monitor the gravity.
This is why I abandoned extract brewing and went all grain at brew #3. IMO (well only 2 brews), malt extracts are unreliable.
It should taste OK so don't worry too much but give it plenty of time to make sure it really has stopped. You can try giving it a stir and making sure it's warm enough.