Fermentation time for Young's Rasberry and Mango kit

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New Member
Oct 22, 2015
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Hi All,

I started my first cider kit on the 30th of October and although the instructions that came with the kit stated that fermentation could be finished within a week (last Friday), from previous experience with a lager kit I found that fermentation had only just finished after two weeks.

So my questions is will I be OK leaving the the cider in the FV until this Thursday when I will take a hydrometer reading then take another the next day and if it is at the level in the instructions (1006) or hasn't changed I'll prime and bottle.

Or do you think it is best to take a reading beforehand? I don't want to unnecessary open the FV (paranoid about infections etc)

The kit has been fermenting at a pretty constant 19 degrees which I am led to believe will give a better taste but take longer to ferment.

Cheers for any help
Hi Ben
I'd go with your plan.
I wouldn't worry about opening your FV, within reason, remember your brewing alcohol the same ingredient found in antibacterial hand wash?.....
So if your hydro is steady, bottle her up. Like your style too btw low and long is how I roll :thumb:

Long and Low :mrgreen: ha ha i like that

Great stuff that's what i'll do then, in your experience has it ever taken longer than 14days for a kit to complete fermentation?

Would there be any harm in leaving it any longer say for three weeks?

1st time I did this kit it was about 14 days before bottling and the 2nd time it was a good 3 weeks. No complaints yet from she what drinks that stuff!
Long and Low :mrgreen: ha ha i like that

Great stuff that's what i'll do then, in your experience has it ever taken longer than 14days for a kit to complete fermentation?

Would there be any harm in leaving it any longer say for three weeks?


I reckon you could leave it for months if you wanted to, so long as you don't constantly open up the FV, fermentation gives off the co2 which protects the brew from oxidising/going off (I think :mrgreen: )
I have read its not a good idea to leave your wine or cider sat on the dead yeast for longer than needs be as it can lead to off flavours.

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