Failed submerged heater

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Beer lover!
Nov 20, 2022
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Hi all, I put two kits on yesterday, one using a heat belt and one with a submersible heater, heat belt one is happily bubbling away whilst the second ones heater has failed dropping to 10 degrees and no action, I’ve ordered a heat mat which is arriving today. My question is when I put the heat mat on will it activate the yeast or will it have killed the yeast off?

Thanks in advance
That's very unlikely you killed the yeast. You'll might have some off flavours, but don't worry, it'll drinkable.
The heat you apply will just reactivate the yeast which has gone to sleep at that temp unless it is a low temp yeast.
I would apply the heat and add a little yeast nutrient if you have some and stabilise the temp within the normal yeast temp and you should have no problems. You only tend to get off flavours with too higher temp and not at low as the yeast just goes dormant
The heat you apply will just reactivate the yeast which has gone to sleep at that temp unless it is a low temp yeast.
I would apply the heat and add a little yeast nutrient if you have some and stabilise the temp within the normal yeast temp and you should have no problems. You only tend to get off flavours with too higher temp and not at low as the yeast just goes dormant
Thanks Baron 👍
Ps if it does not reactivate after you have attained temp maybe re-pitch, so have some fresh yeast handy

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