If you stick to a tight group of like minded people i can see FB's appeal but its the morons that post stuff like the video of the New Zealand attack and people getting punched in the face for no reason other than to catch it on their phones and share it with their moronic "friends" that give it a bad reputation.
Yeah, it took time for sure to get my FB into it's current state. Time during which I had to block people who I thought I knew then discovered liked to share right wing group memes, racist remarks and the like (it's shocking how little you know about your friends that you find out about them once you have them friended on Facebook! Then realise you don't really want them as friends after all....). It's the internet though, it's like the world in general, it's full of idiots, with a few like minded people out there. If you lock yourself in your house in order to avoid the idiots, you'll never meet the like minded people.
Even this forum contains people who must annoy you (I bet you I annoy plenty of people. lol). But you suck it up, and get on with it. Or block them so you don't see their inane and mindless drivel any more.
Hobby groups are actually usually the worst to be honest, they can be some of the most toxic "places" on the internet, with some of the most toxic individuals you could ever want to meet in them. Heck, I once got called outside by a bloke on one whilst at a tarantulas show, because I'd disagreed with him on an internet forum....
Heck, The Snug can get pretty toxic, we're adults though right? So if we don't like it, we lump it right?
Main difference is, Facebook is full of children too, who's parents should never have allowed them on there in the first place (I know that we certainly don't let our kids on social media! It's not meant for them, and never was.). Our oldest lives with her fiancé these days, but our second oldest is the only one with a smart phone, and it's checked regularly for social media apps, and I also know how to check the router logs to see what local IP has visited what sites (not to mention that I happen to me the one who installed their internet security software... lol), so trust me I have plenty of tools in my belt to monitor and control what my kids get up to on the internet.
Something more parents could do with doing for sure.
It's all just part of growing up on the internet. Even adults have to go through internet puberty, with 100s of "friends" that they then whittle down to a smaller, higher quality group. Some call it forming an echo chamber, but I say you don't hang out with people you don't like in real life either do you? If you find yourself in a group though where you really can't get on with any of the other group members, well sometimes you just have to realise that that's you and that you just don't belong in that particular group. No good blaming the group. Don't like the rate my plate page if you don't want to see people's dinner for example....