Extract Brewing tasting

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Sep 4, 2008
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Just a quick question does an extract brew taste like kit brews? I mean does it have the homebrew "twang" that you get from kits.
I quite fancy of giving it a go as it would be a good testing ground for trying new recipies/hops but it depends how the final result tastes :D
I have never done an extract brew but i think the general belief is that it depends on how fresh the extract is, the fresher the extract the better the brew tastes ;)
Here goes Tubby out on a limb again :lol:
As you say the older a LME is the more chance of a "beer kit" taste
With DME there is little to none of that, but in my opinion it does taste slightly less malty.
BUT and its a Big but :lol: this can be restored using the steeped grains :thumb:
Making extract beer is a big step up in quality from normal beer kits, it is a definite improvement on 3kg kits with the benefit that you can devise your own recipes :party: and there is no substitute for using fresh hops on the aroma :thumb:
A good analogy is to compare to coffee :wha:
Beer kits = Works drinks machine, it's coffee but only just
Extract brewing = Instant coffee, getting better and drinkable all day and comes in interesting varieties
Full mash brewing = Freshly roast and ground coffee beans from rare plantations, brewed to your own own preference and served by nubile young maidens :D
Spot on analogy there TS. I did a similar explanation to a mate of mine but my analogy was Curry! I was actually cooking a Curry from scratch at the time so that may explain it.
It is a cracking analogy - except for the nubile young wenches. Explains why I don't like instant or machine coffee too :thumb:
Can anyone explain what DME – LME – Kit.

I think I have miss understood something along the way, the Larger/Beer I brew ,is like treacle that come in a tin, with the yeast and sometimes finings inside the lid, can any one help me out with this ?

Is that classed as a kit or extract?
DME = Dried malt extract or spray malt. A dry powdery malt extract comes in light, amber and dark versions normally supplied unhopped.
LME = Liquid malt extract. Comes in tins or buckets in various colours. Normally unhopped.
Kits = Generally hopped malt extract and yeast. Available as all malt kits or sugar to be added.

Malt extract can be used with speciality grains and boiled with hops to make your own recipes.
Please bear with the stupid questions, but I think the penny has dropped:

Kit brewing, you buy a can full of malt extract, and I've heard references to Isomerised Hop Resins. Now I don't know WTF these are but it sounds chemistry lab rather than brewery. Also, with the ten quid type kits you add sugar - this is basically unnatural?

Extract brewing, you might use cans or packets of malt extract but add other grains (eg crystal malt) and real hops, and certainly no sugar?

All Grain - doesn't sound much more involved than Extract, or am I missing something?
Moley said:
Please bear with the stupid questions, but I think the penny has dropped:

Kit brewing, you buy a can full of malt extract, and I've heard references to Isomerised Hop Resins. Now I don't know WTF these are but it sounds chemistry lab rather than brewery. Isomerised hop extracts are hops that are processed in a factory and do not require boiling Also, with the ten quid type kits you add sugar - this is basically unnatural? Not necessarily unnatural but not best practice.

Extract brewing, you might use cans or packets of malt extract but add other grains (eg crystal malt) and real hops, and certainly no sugar? That's pretty much correct :thumb:

All Grain - doesn't sound much more involved than Extract, or am I missing something? The only difference is that you make your own fresh malt extract during the mash :party: You also require a mash tun.
tubby_shaw said:
The only difference is that you make your own fresh malt extract during the mash :party: You also require a mash tun.
Which, in its simplest terms, is a 5 gallon bucket, wrapped in a duvet, with a bit of basic plumbing? I can do plumbing.

I think I can see where this is leading :(

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