Extract Blonde Ale

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Active Member
Apr 25, 2023
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Hello all,
I am planning my first brew from extract (so far I did few brews from kits).

I would like to obtain a refreshing blonde ale, easy to drink with ABV around 5% and "medium" hop flavour (i.e. something tasty but that my sister could enjoy, and she doesn't like IPAs).

Here's the very simple recipe I put together for 10litres:

- 1.5kg of liquid malt extract
- 300g of caramel malt (see below my doubt about which malt to choose)

Hop (single hop to keep things simple):
- xx g at 60 minutes (quantity to get to an IBU around 30)
- 10g at 20 minutes
- 10g at 5 minutes

- Dry Fermentis US-05 (11g, one packet)

Now, my doubts are:
- Any suggestion between caravienne and caramunich malt? Alternatives to consider?
- Regarding the liquid extract, I can get standard Light liquid extract or Maris Otter liquid extract for the same price. Any thoughts about what could be better?
- Which hop do you suggest to use? I want to use the same hop for bitter, flavour and aroma (at least for this first trial), so I am considering using Cascade in pellets. Feedbacks?

Any other suggestion or comment is welcome!
Looks good to me. You'll only need half a packet of yeast.

I wouldn't worry about which caramel malt, any one will do for your first brew. Same with the malt extract, I brewed with extract for years and had no idea what grain it came from.

Cascade is a good choice I'd change those late hop additions though, do 10g at 10min and another 10g at 0min i.e. a hop steep.
Looks good to me. You'll only need half a packet of yeast.

I wouldn't worry about which caramel malt, any one will do for your first brew. Same with the malt extract, I brewed with extract for years and had no idea what grain it came from.

Cascade is a good choice I'd change those late hop additions though, do 10g at 10min and another 10g at 0min i.e. a hop steep.
Thanks for the feedback.
Regarding the yeast, I know one packet is meant for 23l batches. If I use half a packet, do you think I can save the remaining part for a second brew or risk of infections/contaminations is high?
Regarding the yeast, I know one packet is meant for 23l batches. If I use half a packet, do you think I can save the remaining part for a second brew or risk of infections/contaminations is high?

Yes, seal it up with tape and store it in the fridge - done that many times when doing 10L brews.