Even Sharks Need Water

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Dec 22, 2024
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Hi, has anyone on this forum successfully brewed Verdants ESNW? The reason I'm asking is I've done it 4 times and each brew has turned out extremely harsh and bitter. I followed the recipe and am now contemplating reducing hop quantities, using RO to sparge, hopstand at 70c.

I just can't get to the bottom of the problem and it's an expensive beer to get wrong!

So what I'm asking is what was your process, equipment, water profile, timings, quantities etc?

Help! This is driving me mad.

If it helps I've tried it on brewzilla G4 and grainfather G40.

Thanks in advance ☺️
What's your water profile? I went with Their recommendation but with lower chloride.

It's fermenting at the minute so can't comment. I have just finished off apocalyptic thunder juice and it was awesome. One notable difference between the two is that 'juice has no hops at all in the boil, but ESNW has the magnum bittering hops. Also, I usually go with a 10min hop stand at 80c. ESNW has 20mins. That will be contributing to bitterness.
What's your water profile? I went with Their recommendation but with lower chloride.

It's fermenting at the minute so can't comment. I have just finished off apocalyptic thunder juice and it was awesome. One notable difference between the two is that 'juice has no hops at all in the boil, but ESNW has the magnum bittering hops. Also, I usually go with a 10min hop stand at 80c. ESNW has 20mins. That will be contributing to bitterness.
Water profile was really close to theirs (as listed on TMM brewsheet and Brewfather app) I use RO and adjusted to suit. Sparge was warm water as opposed to hot to negate tannins.
I brew the NEIPA recipe in Greg Hughes Home Brew Beer book. No hops at all during the boil. 100g of hops at flame out (I add mine at 80C for 20 minutes then chill down to 20C asap). 250g of hops added after 5 days of fermentation. Wouldn’t say it’s harsh or overly bitter but an NEIPA does have that “grapefruity pith bitterness”. I’d suggest dropping the boil hops.
Cheers fellas. I'll stop the first wort hopping and concentrate on lower temp/less time hop stand. See how i go in the next few weeks as I have a kit ready to go
Deffo drop the boil hops and whirlpool at 75c or less also if and I am guessing it has a large dry hop try to cut this down and shove more in the whirlpool.
When adding the dry hop try adding 2ml of Lactic Acid with the dry hop this according to some experts helps with the PH reduction which then helps the perceived bitterness you can get with dry hopping