Funny isn't it?
You can bandy around terms like "extreme" and suggest that the EDL "do foster racist views collectively, and individually", "harbour violent extremists", "encourage hectoring and bullying tactics", "wallow in nazi symbolism" etc without feeling the need to provide a shred of evidence to support those claims.
Can you find any evidence of Tommy Robinson ever making a racist comment?
Can you find any evidence of official EDL material that is racist?
Did you even bother to watch his Oxford Union address?
We have Tommy and his ilk disowning racists and standing up against an authoritarian gay hating, Jew hating, intolerant ideology hell bent on world domination - and they get called fascists
Meanwhile, on the left of British politics, we have Livingstone ranting about Jews, councillors John Clarke and Ilyas Aziz expressing anti-Semitic views and the glorious leader Corbyn with his terrorist "friends from HAMAS.
You couldn't make it up