Elderberries and Elderflowers

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Well personally I'd prefer to leave the flowers and pick the berries. I made 6 gallons of elderflower last year, wife likes it but I'm never quite sure.
RobWalker said:
Likely to be out next week or so apparently

Flowers maybe, berries not for a while.

I am goign to try and make a gallon of elderflower wine, probably using a fruit juice wine, though i am also considering usign sultanas or grape juice concentrate.
shearclass said:
Flowers maybe, berries not for a while.
Quite right, flowers some time soon, berries mid-Autumn.

No sign of any flowers around our way yet, but one of my main cropping places has been decimated by council vandals, the bastards have smashed full sized and very productive trees right back to hedges :twisted:
Moley said:
shearclass said:
Flowers maybe, berries not for a while.
Quite right, flowers some time soon, berries mid-Autumn.

No sign of any flowers around our way yet, but one of my main cropping places has been decimated by council vandals, the bastards have smashed full sized and very productive trees right back to hedges :twisted:

OOF :eek: :eek:

I've got two large trees in my garden so I'm going to do one of each, take the flowers from one - which are appearing now, and wait for the berries from the other :thumb:

When we take elderflowers we don't just pick a few petals (although I suppose you could if you had a pair of tweezers and nothing better to do for a week), we cut off the whole head of florets.

Left alone, the flowers would eventually become the fruit, so if you take the flowers you can't have berries.
Ours look 50/50 ready, I assume they're okay to pick when they're white?

How much should I use in a gallon of cider? I'd like quite a prominent flavour because I age my cider quite a bit.
Has anyone got a recipe?
I have a tree in our garden + others nearby.
Might do 1 flower & 1 berry. :D
Got a couple of Elders around garden fence,i leave the flowers as i dont like elderflower wine.When the berries are ripe i harvest them & find that mixed with blackberries picked earlier in the summer & frozen make a particularly nice "red" wine. :cheers: Ken.
I have never made any elderflower or elderberry wines, but my local homebrew shop has these recipes on its website. My wife fancies me having a go at the champagne, but I worry about making bottle bombs :(

Homemade Elderflower Champagne a good, cheap homebrew

100g elderflower heads shaken to remove any creatures, 2 kg granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar, 4.5 litres boiling water, Juice and zest of 5 lemons preferably unwaxed, 1 sachet champagne yeast

Into a brewing bucket pour the boiling water onto sugar, mix well to dissolve, allow to cool
Add the elderflowers, white wine vinegar, lemon juice and zest, yeast, cover and ferment for 5 days

Strain the juice into sterilised bottles which can withstand the build of CO2 e.g Plastic beer bottles or swing top glass bottles (leaving a gap between the shoulder of the bottle and top)

Leave to ferment for another 7 days, place somewhere cool to clear and mature

Elderflower Wine Making Recipe

75g fresh elderflowers which is approximately 3/4 of pint of elderflower petals lightly pressed down or 12.5g dried elderflowers, yeast, wine tannin, yeast nutrient, 1.5kg Sugar, 4.5 litres/ 1 gallon Water,150ml white wine concentrate , 3 Lemons

If using fresh elderflowers pick fully opened ones and trim the petals away from the stem. Boil the water and pour over the elderflowers, add sugar (mix thoroughly to dissolve) white wine concentrate and lemon juice

Leave to cool (approx 21 degrees C) and add wine tannin, yeast and yeast nutrient. Cover and leave wine to ferment in a warm place for 5 days

After this time strain into a demi john, fit an airlock and leave to fermenting in the warm until bubbling stops or hydrometer reading is 1.000 or below

Siphon into a clean demi john leaving the sediment behind, put in a cold place to clear. When clear syphon into wine bottles and store
I might try elderflower this year, I don't seem to be getting elderberry quite right
oldbloke said:
I might try elderflower this year, I don't seem to be getting elderberry quite right

Hey oldbloke - I just noticed in your sig you made a Lidl grape juice wine you are hoping will come good?

I made a rose WOW in December and after 6 months it is absolutely rubbish, presumably yours is the same? I made a jug of Sangria out of a bottle at the weekend which made it palatable - mind you it had a good slug of vodka in it :lol: :lol:

However I doubt it would be nice if any Grandkids eventually came along, grew up and got good jobs, had there own kids who then decided to try GreatGrandads very old homemade rose which was covered in dust at the back of the shed.... :sick:

oldbloke said:
I don't seem to be getting elderberry quite right

How long are you leaving it to mature? From reading other posts you have made, you seem to drink wine quite young. could it jsut need more time?

I have never made elderberry befre, but I have read it takes a very long time to mature, 18 months or so.
Moley said:
When we take elderflowers we don't just pick a few petals (although I suppose you could if you had a pair of tweezers and nothing better to do for a week), we cut off the whole head of florets.

Left alone, the flowers would eventually become the fruit, so if you take the flowers you can't have berries.

Thanks. I am goign to make some this year. I will go out with my son and collect some flowers tomorrow, assuming there is a 30 mins spell where it doesn't rain tomorrow.
oldstout said:
oldbloke said:
I might try elderflower this year, I don't seem to be getting elderberry quite right

Hey oldbloke - I just noticed in your sig you made a Lidl grape juice wine you are hoping will come good?

I made a rose WOW in December and after 6 months it is absolutely rubbish, presumably yours is the same? I made a jug of Sangria out of a bottle at the weekend which made it palatable - mind you it had a good slug of vodka in it :lol: :lol:

However I doubt it would be nice if any Grandkids eventually came along, grew up and got good jobs, had there own kids who then decided to try GreatGrandads very old homemade rose which was covered in dust at the back of the shed.... :sick:


I started it last June, at the end of August it was a bit sour, quite acid, and extremely tannic. So, knowing all the stories about "we found it at the back of a cupboard and..." I decided to just leave it rather than chuck it. So, it's a year since it was started, today, and it's still not properly clear. No idea what it tastes like. I might rack it sometime in the next month or so.
shearclass said:
oldbloke said:
I don't seem to be getting elderberry quite right

How long are you leaving it to mature? From reading other posts you have made, you seem to drink wine quite young. could it jsut need more time?

I have never made elderberry before, but I have read it takes a very long time to mature, 18 months or so.

Oh, it's quite likely just that. The taste of the racking syphon from last year's was "Bit thin, very sharp, slightly woody". It may well be lovely with a bit of time.
The first lot I did, the year before, was (thanks to CJJB's recipe) over-sugared so although it tasted not bad, it was syruppy which gave it a bit of a medicinal feel.
A lot of the wines I've made really are ready to drink pretty much as soon as bottled. Some just want a few weeks to settle and do a last bit of chemistry. And then I have these few that are better left a good while. Only been at it 18 months, still a lot to learn.
No-one's mentioned beer....... 200g of flower heads (as few stalks as possible) dropped into a pale ale at flame-out - the absolute business - will be doing mine on Sunday.
battwave said:
No-one's mentioned beer....... 200g of flower heads (as few stalks as possible) dropped into a pale ale at flame-out - the absolute business - will be doing mine on Sunday.

:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
