Now then Tony that is a stroke of genius, and should be very pellet friendly too.
Let us know how it works on your next brew.
Let us know how it works on your next brew.
I bet you don't drop yours and ding the base like I did though :evil: :evil:Runwell-Steve said:I bet the end result isn't as smart as yours though.
Aleman said:I bet you don't drop yours and ding the base like I did though :evil: :evil:Runwell-Steve said:I bet the end result isn't as smart as yours though.
Aleman said:
Aleman said:ericstd said:Why "pico and nano"?
One being 10 to the power -12 and the other 10 to the power -9!! :whistle:
Well can't really call anything less than 1BBL (164L) a Microbrewery . . . My previous setup could safely produce 60L so I called it a pico brewery . . . . this is bigger (probably max boil of 150L . . . still not 1BBL so still not a micro) . . . and so Nano . . . not strictly SI :lol:
And the 20L plant is a femtobrewery . . . . . I'm waiting for someone to produce a 1L all grain system to claim the yocto prefix :lol: :lol:
Well done Dennis, that's the first time that name has ever come back to haunt me!dennisdk2000 said:ericstd said:Why "pico and nano"?
One being 10 to the power -12 and the other 10 to the power -9!! :whistle: