Rockhopperross , I,ve made a few ciders like yours from Supermarket juice and noticed that different Supermarket juices taste slightly differrent .
I,m not a fan of dry cider so i,m adding a teaspoon of canderel to each bottle of my next batch as i dont like it dry either as well as 1/2 teaspoon of sugar to give it a slight fizz .
Ive also flavoured it before bottling .
I choose my juice flavour , already ive used , cherry , mango and cranberry and five fruits and even Robinson Apple concentrate .
I simmered the flavoured juice down by about 50% and let it cool.
Racked the brew into a clean demijon then added the flavour before bottling .
Turned out good .
I,m trying the lazy way next as ive just ordered some food flavouring and adding a drop or two to each bottle to see what it turns out like .
I,ll keep you informed