Active Member
not having brewed a beer and wanting to go professional is a massive task and im afraid brewing them styles of ipa you wont last very long. there is just not the demand to make a living on such a small scale. session beers of 3.5 - 4 % is were your bread and butter is. the average drinker will only try the odd pint of the ipa but will happily have several of a session beer. landlords can buy beer at a very reasonable price and the profit margin for the brewer is small.
you also have the council to deal with and that can be very tricky indeed.
i wish you luck.
Indeed it is a massive step. But I have as long as it takes. I'm even open to completing some courses if I need to.
I have a business partner for all the financial side of things and a reasonable amount of capital.
Your comments on beer types is interesting too - I have ideas, but for sure I have decided nothing.
Market research is a big part of the project.