Duvel Style Beer Kit

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Active Member
Sep 13, 2012
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The Shire
I am looking for something akin to Duvel which i can use for my next brew. I guess a belgiun golden ale kit or some form would be best, but which one?

Thoughts and opinions please :tongue:
You need look no further than the Brewferm range. I've done Christmas (twice) and the Grand Cru and they are excellent. I'm no expert on Belgian beer other than that I quite like it so maybe best to have a look at their (quite comprehensive) website and see what takes your fancy.

klaus said:
Slightly off-topic, if you are ever in Belgium, or passing through, make a detour to Brouwland who market Brewferm. The biggest HBS I have ever seen, they also do professional gear - expensive though. See http://www.brouwland.com

Was in Belgium (Brugges) in August this year, i actually proposed to the Mrs there. Its great as it means i get to go back as often as i want and "of course dear its to re-live the moment", lol, not at all for the lovely selection of beers :grin:

Will try and make a detour to Brouwland on my next visit.

Having looked over the Brewferm website, i think the next beer on my list is going to be the Diablo (a devilish beer), sounds like a Duvel kit clone to me :thumb:
i also love the brewferm kits- i do recommend using something other than white sugar- brown or golden is alot better but does change the colour ever so slightly-if colour important use some golden syrup as well
simonlpearce said:
Was in Belgium (Brugges) in August this year, i actually proposed to the Mrs there. Its great as it means i get to go back as often as i want and "of course dear its to re-live the moment", lol, not at all for the lovely selection of beers :grin:

Awesome piece of forward thinking!!! :hat: :hat: :hat:
:party: Why thank you.

I cant remember who it was on here but someone first told me that brewing beer was much like a game of chess, in that you are constantly thinking 5 moves (brews) ahead. Truer words have never been spoken! I already have a list which will probably keep me in beer throughout the whole of 2013, and i don't doubt some i will enjoy that much i will have to give them another go!

Need to buy more equipment so i can have 2-3 on at any one time. Also going to need a big shed to do it in :hmm:
Big Shed you say...? Well you might as well get some shiny in there...

...the dark side beckons...
I don't know if they still do it, but there used to be a great yeast in the commercially available bottle conditioned duvel.
VinceG said:
Been to asda and it is still for sale, why not use That yeast?

You have lost me a little here :wha:

Are you saying i can buy a specific yeast from Duvel in Asda and use that to ferment instead of the one that comes in the kit?

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