I might be being thick but I thought mash temp didn't significantly impact the OG of the beer? I thought roughly the same amount of sugars would be extracted but the convertibility would be less with a higher temp so you'd end up with a higher FG rather than OG?
Me too! But there is no arguing with the hydrometer and the only difference between the two brews was the Mash and Sparge temperatures.
The Maris Otter came out of the same bag, was weighed to within a couple of grams, milled with the same mill, mashed and sparged the same way, boiled and hopped the same way so I too am unable to explain the difference.
I even used the same hydrometer so I'm now waiting to see if the two brews ferment down to the same FG. If that happens then it's a real head-scratcher!
I also don't want a high ABV brew!!