Dry.... Oating?

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Meat Popsicle
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
Dubai, UAE
Had a search on the forum and couldn't see anything... My query is about dry oating, as in the same process as dry hopping but with oats. Anyone done this? Was toying with the idea for my oatmeal stout, I want full on oat flavour. Stupid idea?
I doubt you will get any flavour out of it. You will get plenty of flsavour using toasted oats and doing a glucan rest before the main mash.

Also use Alemans effin oatmeal stout recipe the one that has brown malt in it (there are various ones)

It is one of my favourite beers with plenty of flavour in it. :thumb: :thumb:
Thanks Gray. :thumb:

Well purely as an experiment (I'm wanting to do things differently where I can) I split the wort into two FV's. The second FV has toasted oats, sultanas (wanted raisins but didn't have!) and rum. I'm interested to see how that turns out.

That's my 3rd AG done and its getting better and better! :D
If you are putting oats into the fermentor, I would think that there would be critters on the oats, that would sour the beer?
Agree with above, oats probably have a lot of Brett and lacto bugs in it unless you some how sterilized them before. Still might make for a good sour beer as long as you are prepared to wait 8 months or so T
Freshly toasted would probably be sterile but I just don't see the point you will get more flavour out by mashing than putting them into steep in cold wort.

I understand that you may want to try something different but there is probably a perfectly good reason not to, including the suggestions above.
Well I did roast them for 30 mins so that should kill all bugs. And yes it is purely for experimentation, if it doesn't work, heyho. I would rather try for myself and see what the outcomes are, I'm very open to going against the norm. :)

All advice is greatly appreciated though! :thumb:
What a complete waste of time!

Oats.need to be mashed! !

All you will achieve is to add starch to the beer, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. In addition the oats have considerable amounts of oils which kill head retention.

I'm all for experimentation but there is a whole body of evidence against putting unmalted malts into beer!!!!!
That's me told then! I suppose the proof will be in the puddin'. But feel free to say "I told you so!" if I report failure. ;)
BreadMurderer said:
That's me told then! I suppose the proof will be in the puddin'. But feel free to say "I told you so!" if I report failure. ;)

I don't think people will even bother. You should take note of Aleman he is a walking encyclopaedia when it comes to brewing, but unfortunately he doesn't post as often any more because of ......... well what his signature says really. Which is a great loss to the forum.

People take a lot of time an effort to give posters intelligent and informed replies. IMHO its a bit rude not to take heed the advice given, why bother asking?
graysalchemy said:
People take a lot of time an effort to give posters intelligent and informed replies. IMHO its a bit rude not to take heed the advice given, why bother asking?

I do not wish to offend in the slightest! This forum has been a wealth of information in the small time I have been brewing and I have appreciated every drop of it. I asked the question late and was too keen to test my experiment to wait for a reply. I'm taking in what has been said and fully understand I've most likely done a stupid thing, comments here have been fully appreciated even though I didn't heed them.