dry hopping

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Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Colchester, Essex
Hi all. I am still alive!!

I have a cheap 1.8kg IPA kit to do, I am hoping to use medium spray malt....I already have a bag.

I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on whether dry hopping would make a huge difference to the brew, if so what sort of quantity and can I pop them in the primary. I tend to keg or bottle after ten to fourteen days.
Cheers guys!!
Personly i would add about 20g of Cascade to the secondry or about 5 days. Or even go for something like Pacific Gem.

P.S hows the little one doing mate?
Hi cb, she's fine cheers just eating, sleeping and pooing!! Chip off the old block!! Lol

Are there problems with putting the hops in the primary?? Ive never used a secondary!!
Hi Cptn, nice to see you back and hear that the nipper is doing well!
I use a muslin bag to keep the hops together and 20g sounds about right for 5 gallon.
Throw summat in the bag to make it float :thumb:
