Tubes or small balls, stainless steel mesh (but small balls only for small quantities, 10-20g of pellets, the balls are usually for tea). But they're a pain to clean and sanitise (oven at 110-120C seems okay, only silicone extras, not plastics). Buoyancy for balls to stop them sinking in yeast sediment maybe, no need for tubes. Marbles to sink tubes if using whole hops. Some folk use fabric mesh bags). I'm sure suspending them have arguments for, but I can't be bothered ... if it's too much trouble, it's another reason "to forget it" (which isn't the answer!).
But these methods are a pain (I often forget to organise them in time). I was hoping just drawing off sediment before chucking in pellets free would work, but you're putting me off that!
"Hop tea", aroma extracts and "hop teabags" even (expensive and limited choice). Perhaps someone will post a good solution (I'll be watching!). At the moment I'm hoping my new "hop back" (a hop "missile", the poor-man's, or in my case ... the skinflint's, Blichmann "Hop Rocket") might be an adequate solution (but adds the hops, hot, before fermentation, and is too expensive, but needs-must...).
Good luck!