Dry hop question

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Oct 7, 2012
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Northern Ireland
I have dry hopped my American Pale Ale, first time I've tried this. The hops have been in the secondary for 2 weeks now and I wad planning on bottling today. Unfortunately due to circumstances out of my control I'm not going to be able to bottle till next week. Is 3 weeks too long for dry hopping? Am I risking off flavours from anything?
if you used a bag, you could just take it out...

but why not just rack into another vessel for the time being? I don't know about off flavours, I can't imagine they would be too bad, but I can't see them doing much good either.
Didn't use a bag unfortunately. And I dunno if I'll get a chance to rack.
Is it not the case that some people chuck hops into their kegs? If that's ok then 3 weeks in the secondary should be fine, no?
I've dry hopped for a good 2 weeks before with no problems, but recommended time is about 5-7 days otherwise you risky it going a bit grassy!