Dropped one

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2010
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As some of you might have seen in chat, I've made a right boo boo..!

Was making a wherry and a coopers canadian blonde...

I started off with the wherry and decided to add the brewing sugar for the Canadian :oops: didnt quite know what to do so after a post in chat and a phone call to Highwayman decided to decided to carry on, took a reading at 23ltrs which was 1050 - 1052.. :shock: so decided to add some more water all i had left in my treated water container took it upto 24.5 ltrs took another reading it was now 1046, still a little high but thought bugger it..! good idea/bad idea? only time will tell..

Will it turn out OK, or will the extra sugar spoil the taste and make it too sweet?

Any comments welcome.

Thanks to Sean and Steve in my moment of panic...
actually the extra sugar should not make it sweet, 1046 is easy for any yeast just going to not be able to sling as many back in a session as normal. and you get an extra gallon to boot. Probably be a little thinner than usual though.