does the glass u drink out of matter

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Apr 28, 2012
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I'm still a newbie at this home brew lark but I found after drinking my first batch of export lager some of my beers I poured came out a bit flat

Now some years ago the wife bought me a San Miguel pint glass that seems to have a built in wigit

Well wot a difference that made every pint now has at least a 2 inch head that stays all the way down it seams it was made for home brewers give it go u won't use any other glass :drink:
Makes a massive difference for me. A nice heavy set glass will keep your beer colder for longer, if at a reasonable temp to begin with. Having a wet glass will massively improve the ease of pouring.

I could be wrong but I think the San Miguel glasses have the sand blasted logo on the bottom of the inside. This agitates the CO2 and makes lagers fizz massivley giving a good head when double chilled. My guess is it's this that's making all the difference to you.

Stella, Tennents Ice-Cold and lots of other brands have this feature in their glasses now. I have a few of them at home and it really makes a difference to lager.
I utilize the old Newcastle brown way of drinking using a half pint glass topping up as i go along from a 500ml bottle, I always have a nice head on it. :thumb:

Scott is right though it is the roughness of the bottom of a glass which is important for pouring beer. This is known as the widget and was around long before those new fangled things in the bottom of a guinness can :lol: :lol:
The Sam Adams glass has a design etched into the bottom and keeps a good head. My British style pint mug doesn`t hold a head very well. I`m not sure if there is a taste difference between the two.
I think looks goes a long way

If you put two pints of the same beer in front of me one with no head & looking sorry for itself & the other thick headed & vibrant I no wot one id be cooling my throat with :drink:
graysalchemy said:
I utilize the old Newcastle brown way of drinking using a half pint glass topping up as i go along from a 500ml bottle, I always have a nice head on it. :thumb:

Do you not stir up the sediment?

I currently use a bog standard pint glass and it is rubbish at holding a head. I never knew it made such a difference.
graysalchemy said:
I utilize the old Newcastle brown way of drinking using a half pint glass topping up as i go along from a 500ml bottle, I always have a nice head on it. :thumb:

You don't have an issue with sediment? I normally have to open mine and pour the contents entirely so the sediment doesn't bubble into the beer...
jonnymorris said:
I have a Leffe, bulb shaped pint glass. Nothing else seems to compare.

I'm a big Belgian beer fan and I find that the tulip or chalice style glasses are the only way to go for those beers. They tend to focus the aroma right in your face. Fantastic stuff.
at the moment we have non chip or sleave glasses which are poor but ok, what i really want is a handled tankard, because i am old enough to remeber them and its easier to hold with a handle than the whole glass sides.

many years ago i can remeber drinking in one pub where people used to have there own personal tankard hanging up behind the bar, the regulars used to walk in and the bar staff would get the correct tankard and fill it up for em, always wanted to have a tankard of my own.

i am not certain if i want stainless steel, plated silver or leather or even pewter, i have seen a cut glass crystal one , as local to me is one of the finest glass blowing factories in the uk , and basicly if they dont have it already, pop in ask for it and then watch the bloke in the work shops making it for you, i saw them make a pair of cyrstal champange cups for a friend , i was fasinated on how they do it, amazing skills
hedgerow pete said:
at the moment we have non chip or sleave glasses which are poor but ok, what i really want is a handled tankard, because i am old enough to remeber them and its easier to hold with a handle than the whole glass sides.

Such one pint tankards are sold here by Tesco and others. They are French made (Arcoroc, I think), design name is Britannia. ;)
The glass makes a huge difference for me, strangely my homebrewed lagers have the best head and bubbling action when poured into a plastic pint glass which i usually take a few of if i take some beers round to a mate's house.

I have a classic heavy glass ale mug with the dimples and handle etc, which seems to hold a decent pint, but i want to get myself a metal tankard as when a mate tried some of my cerveza in his it was frothing all the way down to the bottom :cheers:
Does everyone round here drink with their little finger sticking out :lol:
I find it very hard to drink out of my glass and it's certainly one you can't sip out of or put down. But then again it's a yard long :lol:
I've got a tall samuel smiths lager glass with a waffle pattern on the bottom thats good for all lager styles and keeps head. But don't make the same mistake I did once, with my Erdinger glass dirty and in a lazy mood I saw the lager glasses height and vase like qualities and thought it would be the next best thing for my very lively bavarian wheat beer.......needless to say most of my "drink" was inhaled as foam off the top in a frantic manner.
As my Grandpa would have said, if you're a man, you'll be needing one of these ...

earthwormgaz said:
As my Grandpa would have said, if you're a man, you'll be needing one of these ...

I have several of these passed down a couple of generations. I love them.

I have a clone brew book that recommends a certain type of glass for the different beer styles. I'd love to collect a couple of each type and display them on the bar (which I don't yet have).
Molineux said:
You don't have an issue with sediment? I normally have to open mine and pour the contents entirely so the sediment doesn't bubble into the beer...
alanywiseman said:
graysalchemy said:
I utilize the old Newcastle brown way of drinking using a half pint glass topping up as i go along from a 500ml bottle, I always have a nice head on it. :thumb:

Do you not stir up the sediment?

I currently use a bog standard pint glass and it is rubbish at holding a head. I never knew it made such a difference.

No I don't as long as you have clear beer before you bottle and you have left it to condition the yeast compacts down and doesn't get disturbed. It is yeast dependent but I don't have any problems with Nottingham US-05 or Windsor.