Does anyone feel sorry for Gordon?? (Poll)

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Does anyone feel sorry for Gordon??

  • YES

  • NO

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Well I thinj this coalition is going to completly change the face of politics as we know it .As long as Cameron listens to Clegg and visa versa .I think this is gioing to prove the doubters wrong :pray:
What ever happens, I will be paying more tax in 5 years time than I am now that's for sure.

Unless I can get the wife to see sense and emigrate.

I think Blair left before **** hit the fan, poor old Gordy took the aggro while Blair made millions. ;)
unclepumble said:
Proinsias said:
Yeah, I do a bit. I'm not sure even Jimmy Savile could have done much with the mess left by Blair.

Brown was Cheif architect in the Blair era Brown held the purse strings, He was a tw*t to all who had differing ideas to him, and cut off the money to their departments, Mo Molam, Shirley Williams, John Reed and countless others all came out of politics due to being stifled by Browns control of the purse strings, there fore if you feels sorry for the little git then you need to open your pork pies.

Uncle P, you know there is no rancour in this ;) but I gotta do it!,
"no argument with your sentiment,
I know yo got a good intent,
but when ya use da intanent,
yo ryhming slang must be authent!

now porky pies means lotta lies!,
an if dat not what you mean?
think a bit an soon will fit
the words that make it clean!

use your royal princes
dat others call your minces
eyes sure you see jus what Ai mean
Mince pies is eyes, now aint dat nice..... :grin: :grin: :grin: :rofl:('Maican accent optional :grin: )
ohbeary said:
unclepumble said:
Proinsias said:
Yeah, I do a bit. I'm not sure even Jimmy Savile could have done much with the mess left by Blair.

Brown was Cheif architect in the Blair era Brown held the purse strings, He was a tw*t to all who had differing ideas to him, and cut off the money to their departments, Mo Molam, Shirley Williams, John Reed and countless others all came out of politics due to being stifled by Browns control of the purse strings, there fore if you feels sorry for the little git then you need to open your pork pies.

Uncle P, you know there is no rancour in this ;) but I gotta do it!,
"no argument with your sentiment,
I know yo got a good intent,
but when ya use da intanent,
yo ryhming slang must be authent!

now porky pies means lotta lies!,
an if dat not what you mean?
think a bit an soon will fit
the words that make it clean!

use your royal princes
dat others call your minces
eyes sure you see jus what Ai mean
Mince pies is eyes, now aint dat nice..... :grin: :grin: :grin: :rofl:('Maican accent optional :grin: )

The Pies I was refering to were Pork Mince Pies, I just missed the mince part out :thumb:
