Disaster - more leaning stilton of eccles woes

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Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
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Not posted any of my cheese alchemy's recently. Thought i had at last cracked Stilton. Great make nice firm cheese plenty of blue.............

And then 5 weeks later................


Checked my cheeses in the cheese cave on friday every thing fine RH 85% temp 10.5C looked this morning open the fridge only to be hit by a waft of hot cheesy air. :( :(


The temp probe had fallen out.

So I have cut them open and tasted them :) :)

Very nice .........................but not stilton.


My caerphilly's have faired a little better though blue they are beginning to get a natural rind on them.


I have made 2 more stiltons last week, so hopefully one will be OK for TST.......................... but I am not hopeful. :evil: :evil:
At least it's not completely dead...

...and on the upside they are still the best looking so far! :thumb:

Won't be long until you make a proper belter of a cheese! :hat:
t'missus has suggested I get her some cheesmaking gear for her birthday - any recommendations?
Nooo...not again A :( :x ....pull yourself together man :lol: :tongue:
t'missus has suggested I get her some cheesmaking gear for her birthday - any recommendations?
Swimbo likes Home Cheese Making by Carroll...not gear but a book
This is probably the cheese makers bible


A very good read, but it is technical.

The problem was cause by letting a customer sniff my cheese :oops: :oops: and the temp prop falling out of the fridge. As a result the tube heater got the fridge over 25c :eek: :eek:

I am slowly working my way through 350g of cheese the rest is in the freezer. It is actually very good. :grin: