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Nov 30, 2011
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I decided to have a go at making some Desperados and it turned out quite well, so I'm sharing my results.

It doesn't taste exactly the same but it is a reasonable copy. It certainly goes down well as I went through 40 pints in a matter of weeks! With summer coming this is a perfect time to get a batch or 2 on the go and left to condition.




Make up a Coopers Mexican Cerveza Kit up as per the instructions. I actually added a bit more sugar as I wanted to match the 5.9% abv of the real thing. As it turned out it was more like 7.5%!

Once done syphon off into a 2nd 5 gallon barrel leaving the sediment behind.
Add 1-1.5 bottles of Still Spirits Tequila Essence and 1litre of lime cordial (boiled for 10minutes to help remove preservatives) and mix well.
Add sugar and bottle up as per instructions.
Leave to carbonate for a week or 2 in a warm place. You may find that carbonation is a bit slow - I put this down to the preservatives left in the lime - don't worry, after a couple of days it will start to carbonate.
ive wondered about this for a while, glad somebody has gone for it! Especially on the tequila essence, does it come through? How obvious is the lime? :)
RobWalker said:
ive wondered about this for a while, glad somebody has gone for it! Especially on the tequila essence, does it come through? How obvious is the lime? :)

Yes the tequila comes through. I only added 1 bottle the first time and it was over powered by the lime, it was there but not enough, hence why I said 1-1.5 bottles. I've put 1.5 in my latest batch so will report back in a few weeks. It may be that you need 2 bottles, we'll see.

As I said the lime was a little over powering. But with more conditioning time it seemed to settle down. Drinkable after a week or 2, much better after a month or 2.

Obviously everything is subjective so with a little trial and error you will get it how you like it. Even my first batch was certainly a success as everyone who tried it couldn't get enough! Even had friends telling other friends "have you tried j17sparkys desperados", which is always nice.
nice one, thanks for posting the results. ive just kegged a mex cerveza at 6.1% aswell. how many ml in a bottle of the tequila essence?
Sounds really nice. Got the cerveza kit under stairs readu to make up. So many kits, not enough time, hehe

Also, take it that you just used the sugar in the tequila essence and lime cordial, so didn't add any extra? (or did you add extra?)

Forgot to ask, how much extra fermentablea did you put in? Was it all dextrose, glucose, sucrose etc?
abeyptfc said:
nice one, thanks for posting the results. ive just kegged a mex cerveza at 6.1% aswell. how many ml in a bottle of the tequila essence?


lovelldr said:
Also, take it that you just used the sugar in the tequila essence and lime cordial, so didn't add any extra? (or did you add extra?)

Forgot to ask, how much extra fermentablea did you put in? Was it all dextrose, glucose, sucrose etc?

As it was only 1 litre of lime + 50ml of tequila to 22 litres of lager I didn't even take that sugar into account so just went by the instructions on the kit for sugar when bottling.

I used granulated sugar throughout, not ideal I know but I'm a cheapskate so... (Anyone know anywhere to get cheap dextrose and brew enhancers...?)
did you let it ferment out after adding the lime juice as it will have sugar in wont it? ok was it ok is it just artificial sweetner in it??

ps this looks great and ill defo be making it
simonkidder said:
did you let it ferment out after adding the lime juice as it will have sugar in wont it? ok was it ok is it just artificial sweetner in it??

ps this looks great and ill defo be making it

No just bottled it up as per the coopers instructions. Done 3 batches now with no exploding bottles... yet!

Had a few glasses of my 2nd batch yesterday. I didn't make it as strong and have used different lime cordial. TBH it wasn't quite as good as the first batch but then it hasn't had the same conditioning time yet, time will tell.

I'll be trying different combinations of strength, brand of lime, amount of tequila... WIll report back later in the year as to what my preference is.
What about just making the kit as usual, racking off with 80g of sugar and then slinging in 1/2 a bottle of tequila and then bottling as usual?
j17sparky said:
WIll report back later in the year as to what my preference is.

So, how did it go?

What was your best combination of this?

Looking to start one in about a week, so going through all ideas of people who've brewed... Hopefully just about get out done in time for holidays :)
j17sparky said:
I'll be trying different combinations of strength, brand of lime, amount of tequila... WIll report back later in the year as to what my preference is.
Interesting idea, definitely going to give this a go!

Which cordials have you tried so far, and which was the best?
Whats the best combination you have found so far? I've encase it the once with a litre of lime and one tiqulia essence and it was very nice. Almost drunk it all
Barticus said:
Is desperado the same taste as Amigos?

yeah pretty much. I think Aldi started bringing Amigos in as from what I gather it's a cheapo desperados, but like all things at Aldi, it's cheap and actually pretty good.
Barticus said:
Is desperado the same taste as Amigos?

I wouldn't say it's exactly the same, I found that the amigos were a bit more in your face with the flavour and didn't find they tasted as good, but then I haven't had a desperado in well over a year now
A friend of mine said if I can make beer that taste anything like desperados he would show his backside on the town all steps, I'm wondering if he will be true to his word lol