Desktop, Phone or Tablet. [POLL]

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Which do you use most when at home (two votes)

  • PC or Laptop

  • Phone

  • Tablet

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Staff member
Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
Ulverston Cumbria.
I was looking at browser stats on StatCounter Global Stats - Browser, OS, Search Engine including Mobile Usage Share and while using the site found the info below which surprised me, i am predominantly a Desktop user but do use my phone for moderating etc when away from home i have a Tablet but use it less because i prefer the Desktop, i thought the Tablet figure would be much higher as i imaginer the younger generation wouldn't use a Desktop/Laptop due to expense and lack of need..

What do you use most when at home. (2 votes each)

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Tablets never came through with their promised potential. In many ways mobile phones caught up with their larger screens making tablets redundant (except for those challenged in the eyesight department).

I hate having to use a laptop/desktop PC with huge monitor for work as it gives me square eyes, however a large screen is something I can't work without due to producing documents/diagrams/designs of a technical nature for a living.

Phone screen is adequate and preferred for everything else.
I use the Laptop probably 95% of the time especially for forum work. I do a little basic surfing on the mobile but usually follow that up with the Laptop for a more comprehensive search later
I was surprised that nearly 50% still use a desktop (no laptops in the statcounter stats) i know PC gaming is still a big thing but with consoles being so powerful i thought it might have dropped off.
I use the phone a lot, especially to access here, but if I need to do a lot of typing, or messing about with images, the Linux lappy comes out. I thought a tablet would be the best of both worlds, but having obtained one, it's actually bobbins. Lol. So I hardly ever use it.
Depends where I am, in trap 2 I use my phone as I don't have my desktop set up in there. If I'm out and about living it large in lockdown(not) the phone will do but will also use the desktop to refine a search from the phone. I don't use a tablet, my wife used a tablet all the time a few years ago but rarely goes on it now as she prefers her phone.
I have the desktop set up in the kitchen its the only place i can get a bit of peace and quiet and its big enough to have a decent size desk and chair without it being in the way.
I'm lucky, I have my PC set up in one of my spare rooms. I'm on it every day for something or other but mostly for Flight sims or I use it for watching TV progs.
Good point and something i forget, i can now watch Netflix at any time without getting grief from SWMBO if she is watching something on the Livingroom TV (as she always is)
I have a Youview box and don't really watch much TV but SWMBO watches all the soaps so it's separate TV's instead of separate beds 😂
(no laptops in the statcounter stats)
That didn't sound right to me, so looked at the FAQs
"Are laptops included in the desktop platform?
Yes. Laptops and desktop machines are included in the desktop platform together. We use the browser useragent to determine the platform and there is not enough information contained in the useragent to distinguish between laptops and desktops. That is why we do not have a separate laptop platform."
Desktop for me I only use the £10 phone for talking and have used my tablet (also my till) for zoom calls 5 times ever.
Only phone here.

I have a laptop that we bought in 2015 but it had barely been used until I started WFH a year ago - I still only use it for work, and for streaming the Sunderland matches as the official app doesn’t work on Smart TV/Firestick and can be jerky trying to cast from my phone.

Our tablets have been out of date for years, we can’t even get the latest iOS on them and the list of apps they support is shrinking by the month.