De gassing

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Sep 28, 2022
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Probably idiot question no1, but what is degassing?. Been brewing beer and country wines for a while, never come across this term before, seems to have appeared when researching wine kits, any help most wecolmer
Applies to wine - for beer we definitely want the gas of course.
When the fermentation is completed there'll be a lot of CO2 left in solution which may give the wine a fizzy taste. There's also a possibility of the cork being pushed out due to build up of pressure in the air space. Generally excess CO2 is eliminated by shaking the demijohn, splashing wine during racking, or by using a variety of tools, attached to an electric drill. Personally I just swish around the wine in the DJ a few times over a day or two which solves the issue.
There's a long running thread here: How to degas wine with a home made degassing wand
When the wine sort of tingles a bit on your tongue that's the co2 stuck in the wine I use a plastic de gassing stick as above on a battery drill loads of videos on you tube
Thank you, I guess as I leave mine in bulk for several months the gas just naturally goes, be interesting to see what happens when I start the commercial kits
When the fermentation is completed there'll be a lot of CO2 left in solution which may give the wine a fizzy taste. There's also a possibility of the cork being pushed out due to build up of pressure in the air space

To add to the above if you don't degas clearing will take weeks/months rather than hours.
Degassing a wine helps the clearing process. It will naturally degass over time and will then clear. If you manually degass then the wine will clear faster and therefore be drinkable earlier! If you're happy to wait then leave it alone.

Personally I always degass athumb..
I dont know if this is how youre are meant to do it but work out well for me on the last few times I done it. This was yesterday.


Thats similar to how i do it i use the forward 5 seconds reverse 5 seconds and repeat method.
I dont know if this is how youre are meant to do it but work out well for me on the last few times I done it. This was yesterday.


As @Chippy_Tea says reverse every few seconds is what I do and I do it in a bucket. However, seeing how more controlled it is in a carboy I might keep my eyes open for a carboy!
I agree they look the business but I don't think my back would take lifting a full carboy off the table onto the floor.