Dark Malt Extract confusion

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New Member
Aug 25, 2010
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Ellesmere Port
Hi Guys long time lurker on this wonderful site but now I have a question which I dont think has been answered before.
I am going break from the norm and do a coopers stout and plan to use dark malt extract in place of sugar but do I need to boil the extract for 60-90 mins as I have read when you make a beer with extract dry or liquid it seems common practice to boil the extract once mixed.
If there is no need to boil the extract once mixed would it be possible to make a beer with extract without boiling?

They boiled for the hop bitterness so if you have a kit that is hopped then just add the extra extract instead of sugar and no need to boil.

It made sense in my head :lol:
thanks prolix so the only need for a boil is for hop bitterness could you not boil hops in water strain them and add the hop water to the beer?
hop tea is what you are suggesting if you want to do some reading, I have not tried it myself. :cheers:
No mate I want to know why if your making a extract beer you boil the extract but from what Ive read you dont boil the extract when you add it to a kit.
In a kit I dont think you actualy boil the extract you just add boiling water to the extract. This alows the thick malt extract to become more easily mixable with the cold water. The DME you are suggesting useing will be in powder form so I would think it should dissolve in the same way sugar would.

If your refering to the BOIL in an AG/EXTRACT brew then the boil is to drive off un welcome stuff (that I cant remember the name of) to sterilize the wort and to get the hops to do there stuff of bittering and the like.

Hope this helps if not someone with more info than I can give will be along shortly :thumb:
yeah i was getting a bit confused reading this one, if you mean doing a regular coooper stout kit and then adding dry malt extract or 'spraymalt' as shown here http://www.shop4homebrew.co.uk/index1.html, then u make the kit up as normal. the kits require 1kg of either sugar or spraymalt, or u can do 500grams of each, which I done on my recent tom caxton kit.
there is a guy online who has messed around with a coopers kit and adds hops and boils it through if thats what you mean, heres the vid - http://www.youtube.com/user/CraigTube#p/u/3/WWISaKyMDg4
in a coopers kit u usually pour the can into the FV,add 2 litres of boiled water, add ur sugar, top up with cold water and give a gd stir, check the temp then if correct add the yeast.

hope this helps mate :thumb:
abeyptfc said:
yeah i was getting a bit confused reading this one, if you mean doing a regular coooper stout kit and then adding dry malt extract or 'spraymalt' as shown here http://www.shop4homebrew.co.uk/index1.html, then u make the kit up as normal. the kits require 1kg of either sugar or spraymalt, or u can do 500grams of each, which I done on my recent tom caxton kit.

Yes I am planning to do this but was wondering do I need to boil the extract :D

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