Darcey's Cellar Brewery - Build!

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Ok, so not much visual movement on the cellar front.. but I thought I owed it to those have have updated theirs.

The floor is a lovely imperial green.. as that is my brewery 'scheme' also it was a damaged tin in the shop :whistle:
I have spent the last 3 weeks working out the cellar electrics. The main breaker unit is in the cellar and I am going to ask the landlord if I can put in 2 dedicated RCB's in one for the boiler and one for the fridges and other thingambobs. For the moment the house is split in to 4 units. Front Room, Sockets, Kitchen and Lights. All are on 30A breakers Apart from the lights which are on 6A. There was an alarm RCB as well but that has been removed :hmm: . The cellar sockets fall under the 'Front room' breaker.

The plan is to use the sockets in the cellar (from the lounge) to run the boiler using 30A cabling/socket and run the HLT and everything else brewing side from 30A extention from the 'sockets' IE the back room by a nice heavy duty extention I got for a bargain!

Here come the pics..

Fridge Side with a couple of kits brewing for and empty kegerator! I am prob getting another 3 fridges for this and have a 2nd hand work surface from a friend to cover the lot from keger to wall.

The 'Dart Side' This wall will be only for the dart board. The Pub table you see will become the brew stand with some careful breaking and unbreaking.

This is the brew wall. I plan to tile the wall but until I sort out a final brewery upgrade/extraction it can wait.

The far right will be filled with 3 more undercounter fridges with work top across. The small fridge freezer is the hop freezer and the yeast fridge. At the moment it has chips and beer.. but soon... :drink:

And then whilst taking these photos with abit of help from AG4- Trapist Tripel I noticed this wire held by a string by the entrance to the cellar...


I thought.. thats an odd place to hang a wire.. so I got out the pound shop tester..

OMG :shock: its a f*&king live wire hanging from the ceiling!
For now... out
wow your cellar is just the same as mine,

interested to know how this paint works, did you have to remove all the old flaking paint first? after 5 years do you just go over it again? tanking is an expensive job!

Did you have a coal shoot which has been bricked up? mines the same, although I wish id put a window in

Only problem with a cellar is the carrying everything up and down :roll:

looks mint now though man

I spent about 3 weeks getting the brick sorted. 4 wire brushes. I only really used the 'tanking' paint for the 'wet' walls as its about £60 a tin :shock: managed to get a free one from a builder mate however. Still required an additional 2 tins! The rest of the walls were treated for mould and painted with a slightly thinned external masonry paint.

the coal shoot is currently being blocked by a piece of laminate flooring untill I get an extractor fitted.

Only problem with a cellar is the carrying everything up and down
I plan on only carrying stuff down there and carrying beer upstairs in a glass (or belly).
SWMBO can carry the used grain!
yeah ive got an extractor fan in mine it goes through the wall and into the top of the cellar stairs, so sucks house air down the cellar stairs, so keeps it at about 17 in winter 19 in summer (bit warm for drinks I know, good for fermenting!). So i bricked up the coal shoot, and put a paving slab over on the outside.

What ive been thinking about is building an old bath into the brewstand with a pump to pump waste water away, so i can clean things down there, as its a killer carrying all the dirty water back up (I have cold water supply in there)

just been looking at that paint £65 a tin! :evil:
Archtronics said:
I would be tempted to plaster board the ceiling to hide all those wires away :D
When I have finally got the landlord on side and if I can get the dedicated breakers i'll plasterboard the roof. A lot of the mains wires need rerouteing as they are rather carelessly placed at the moment. So its a bigger job than just wacking up some boarding :(

I have no water supply down here but I am going to plumb the brewery in with copper piping and attach to an hose real which will connect in the kitchen. A secondary hose real will run out to the drain in the front yard which will be assisted by a pump. I will prob use an old FV for the waste water dump for now.
Update! The 'live wire' is part of the lighting circuit and is switched from the cellar switch.. good news the brewery will now have dedicated spot lights! :D
Vossy1 said:
Just watch it with all that shiny...'sun glasses must be worn on entry' might do it..otherwise 'where there's blame there's a claim' :lol:

the brewery is only part shiny at the moment! I have spent too much money on everything else to buy any more shiny stuff.
I plaster boarded the ceiling in mine, havent skimmed it though, so the boards are sagging a bit from all the steam :oops:

I was already latted and plastered on the bottom of the floorboards as per victorians :thumb: , but it was breaking away, in hindsight i think fixing the inbetween joist latte and plaster would of looked nice, and give a bit more head height in places

dosent take long to board the ceiling though, just need a mate, and not worrying about very tired arms!
Darcey said:
Archtronics said:
I would be tempted to plaster board the ceiling to hide all those wires away :D
When I have finally got the landlord on side and if I can get the dedicated breakers i'll plasterboard the roof. A lot of the mains wires need rerouteing as they are rather carelessly placed at the moment. So its a bigger job than just wacking up some boarding :(

I have no water supply down here but I am going to plumb the brewery in with copper piping and attach to an hose real which will connect in the kitchen. A secondary hose real will run out to the drain in the front yard which will be assisted by a pump. I will prob use an old FV for the waste water dump for now.

Just be careful with hosepipe choice, as not all is suitable for drinking water.
Well its been a long time since the last update.. I have installed new spot lights over where the brew stand will be. I have done the 2nd coat of paint on about 50% of the floor and done the final paint on the walls. 2x undercounter fridges are up and running with temperature controllers + green house heaters for heat. The kegerator JUST fitted down the stairs. Dartboard is up with some excess carpet as a wall protector. Landlord was happy to get electrics done by their 'friend' but the price was too high and looking by the 'work' he has done so far I am now going old school and I have 2x 13A extentions running up to the house when needed for brewdays and one (HLT) running off the cellar circuit. After 6months I think i'll just get it done and produce them with the minor works cert.

Things to do are:
Brewstand is still not done.. need some kitchen work top. I cant fit a SS table down the stairs :shock: (I did try).
Extractor fan / ducting - Ebay failed me and the inline fan I have wont do the job.
Finish the control box. No excuse really I have all the parts just need to sit down and do it!
Touch up some of the paint work on the bottom of the walls

Pics to follow.. I think..

The Goatreich said:
Looks good matey, but I have to say I can't believe you're doing all that work in a rented house! Your landlord must be chuffed sick.
Its all I have done really is the walls and some of the floor and paint! not too much work. Its either do it or not brew :shock: .

The landlord isnt too keen on the idea but we have a 12 month contract and they never come round.

Well nearly one whole year since I updated this! Unfortunately I had all my gear stolen so I had to start again. I have just finshed the HLT and the Copper, fittings arrving tomorrow to finish off the MLT.

I have been too busy at work to actually get on with it but I suspect there will be some brewing going on with in 2 weeks! woow!

(Pics soon) :thumb:
