I picked up some cheap strawberry plants to replace those lost during the severe winter and dug out all the dandelions in the patch before planting them. After an angry exchange with some noisy neighbours, I vented my spleen on the weeds in the veg patch generally, mostly dandelions. Inspired by this, my other noisy neighbour used my lawnmower to completely destroy the third crop of dandelions by mowing their lawn, in order to have a noisy bbq.
No temptation to make a third batch, thank god. That'll fix it, thought Ron, but he was wrong.
I went down to the vineyard and was initially pleased that the park staff had cut the grass again. They also cut one of my new vines and some of the cuttings, assuming, presumably, that they were weeds. Despite this, there were hundreds of triumphant dandelions grinning up at me. 'You don't pull no punches, but you can't stop the river!'