When out walking down the lanes round here, I find a pocket full of pebbles provides me with a reasonable and proportionate response to dangerous drivers.
Reasonable and proportionate? I would say yes, but be careful the law might consider it criminal damage.When out walking down the lanes round here, I find a pocket full of pebbles provides me with a reasonable and proportionate response to dangerous drivers.
I reckon about 95% percent of drivers are brilliant, like @Chippy_Tea, considerate of cyclists, slowing down and / or giving a wide berth to pass. Always very much appreciated, so thank you all.
I think only a small percentage of drivers are maybe a bit unaware of how scary and dangerous a close pass at speed can be for a cyclist, and how it leaves little margin for error. It only takes a little wobble, a pothole, a gust of wind to bring bike and a close pass car into a nasty collision. I probably get at least one scarily close pass a day on my 5 mile commute.
Then there is a very very small percentage of people who are just mean. Some like to drive up slowly beside you and then scream out of the window at you to make you jump, some like to throw stuff at you as they pass, like half empty milkshakes. I get one of these sort of incidents about once a month. My female colleagues tell me they have incidents far more often than that.
Which reminds me, can anyone recommend some good (and cheap) cameras for bikes? I think I'm going to report the next milkshake chucker.
I don’t cycle, so I wasn’t aware that road users shout this at cyclists.to "pay road tax"!
Indeed, it's a common misconception the road tax thingI don’t cycle, so I wasn’t aware that road users shout this at cyclists.
It seems like a very odd hang up to have.
1, all the cyclists I know also own a car. Cycling is a pleasure for them.
2, local roads are maintained by local authorities and maintenance is funded out of council tax. We all pay that. Major road maintenance is also paid for by.... yes that’s right, the tax payer, collectively. In short, we all pay for the maintenance and upkeep of the roads. Even those who don’t own a car.
So Cyclists, get out there and enjoy your roads.You pay for them as much as anyone.
3, and Finally. road tax doesn’t exist. No one pays road tax. It was abolished years ago.So jokes on you idiots
If you want more information I would check out this link-
and then there are idiots like this calling 999 because cyclist did not get out of her way
I saw that yesterday. I hope her children get taken into care.
unfortunately the police don't care much when it comes to cyclists, unless there is a death. Recently in Norfolk a cyclist was killed by a drunk driver and the police decided not to prosecute HEREthe police should have prosecuted her for driving without due care and attention.
On a positive note it‘s the professional drivers - lorries etc - who seem most sensible in mixed traffic.
Same in the UK. It's so you can see the tw*t who's about to mow you down and possibly jump out of the way.No, over here in the US, pedestrians and runners are supposed to go against traffic.
There are plenty of bad truck drivers out there, one of them inspired me to get front and rear cameras when he deliberately forced me into a lay by so he could finish his overtake on a blind bend on the wrong side of double white lines,
This is not a dig at truck drivers by the way and there are many good one's, it's just that I don't think as a group they are any better than other drivers on the road, even though they have had much more training.
Well, I don't have statistics, and purely anecdotally as a cyclist, I have experienced a lot of bad overtakes by lorry drivers. I also find it hard to believe you have never seen a truck in a smash, when I used to drive a lot for work I have certainly seen a few, but that is not what I am getting at.Sorry but i couldn't disagree more, how many times have you seen a truck in a smash (not on TV) i can honestly say never, we drive several hours every day so have much more chance of having an accident unlike car drivers who on the whole drive to work park up then 8 hours later drive home again.