Cream Egg Brew

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New Member
Jan 6, 2011
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I got a brew kit for xmas and I am going to make the kit that came with it, all going well I intend to experiment from here on.

Does anyone know if it would be possible to put some melted cream egg's into a brew for an easter special?


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hi and welcome to the forum Andy :cheers:

Why not melt one in the microwave and add it to a finished pint....then if its orrible, you'd still have 39 pints of beers left
Why would you want to spoil a perfectly good beer :wha:

and welcome :cheers:
Welcome to the forum Andy :D lots of good information here, nice place

Yes new ideas are always welcome. :shock:

Sean's suggestion has got me thinking I might try a haggis brew for Burns night and then if that works out well I'm up for a pancake brew, might have to use a liquidizer :? roll on Easter :? :lol:
Thats just ridiculous, Cream Egg brew :nono:

You might get a Deep Fried Mars Bar one from our scottish bretheren though :roll: :lol:
the yoke would add good gravity points and chocolate I have seen included in stout recipies so perhaps a cream egg stout. :hmm: :hmm:

Thanks for the advice, I might well try one in a pint and see how it tastes, probably go for a stout or mild.

I will report back on findings once the experiment is complete!

My post was rather tongue in cheek :whistle:

Have never been drunk when near a Scottish chippy so haven't tried the DF Mars Bar ........... yet :lol:
Welcome to the forum Andy :thumb:

Does anyone know if it would be possible to put some melted cream egg's into a brew for an easter special?

You could, though I would recommend boiling a small amount of the diluted kit and dissolving the eggs in that, before adding to the bulk. The way to think about any beer addition is what will it contribute to the beer, and can it be fermented. Cream eggs are nearly all sugar so that's a good start. They also contain fats which may mean the finished beer won't form a frothy head as easily, or it may disappear quickly. I'd say it's well worth a punt, but is it worth risking your very first kit, it could put you off for life :hmm:

As for adding an egg to a pint :sick: :lol:
I reckon the fat will be problematic, but I have an alternative idea. What about to replcate the key elements; chocolatiness, milkiness and sweetness, but in a genuinely beery form? What I'm imagining is a combination of milk stout and chocolate stout. I would brew it really high gravity, for sweetness, with lactose, chocolate malt, and with cocoa in the boil. It would certainly be interesting, but wouldn't be ready to drink til Easter next year!
i wouldn't worry about fat any fat will rise to the top of the fermenter then scoop it off. I bet the cock ale had more fat. I think throw em in and boil the hell out of it. I cant see it working for any other beer than a stout. I have seen and tasted cream egg spirit before it was corckys i think, can be found in your local student bar no doubt :? . finding that and boiling the alcohol out of it then add to the boil, that could be a way of makin the easter special. :D