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One of our neighbours had it, and my wife probably caught it from her, and I also caught it. Not very ill, slight fever, bit of a runny nose and irritated lower respiratory tract. One of my colleagues had it a month ago.
What are the rules about going to work if you test positive?
No legal requirement to stay home but as someone who can easily work from home I do so (same as when I have a cold) as while my symptoms on the few occasions I’ve had it have being mild I see no reason to pass it onto anyone either in the office or on the train.
Just the same as any illness now Chippy no requirements at the moment to have time of is the way I believe obviously if you are very ill you would take time off.
The lad i mentioned earlier had at least a week off i guess he was in no fit state to come to work, in my view if you have it you shouldn't go to work you may be fit enough to cope with the symptoms but the next person you give it to may not be.
I mean, none of us are sickly folk, we have kids (youngest 13) but shouldn't it be rife? Or is it (at risk of starting an argument here, not my intent!) a complete none starter like the first 'plague'?
Have any of you had it before?

My eldest son has never had Covid. Now bear in mind during Covid he was a prison officer. His girlfriend was also worked in the prison in another area. It was absolutely rife around the prison - and still is.
His girlfriend has had it at least 8 times - every time a new strain comes out, she gets it.

Genuinely, he's never tested positive for it.

The wife and I have had it once. But we both work from home and are hermits (I go into the office once a week, but I sit in a huge room with 3 other people and we're 2 metres away from each other).
Have any of you had it before?
I'm fairly certain we all did, when the first wave of scaremongering began we all got something that matched the listed symptoms exactly but it manifested as little more than a cold.

Several times since we've all had similar symptoms on a few occasions, seemingly less severe each time.

None of us were vaccinated, I had huge issues with the concept from the get go, in hindsight that seems to have been a rather wise choice.
Did he have all vaccinations?
Yes, first two I think. Although he wasn't put in the nurses situation, it was suggested to him that it would be in the best interests.

His girlfriend had it twice before the vaccinations even came out. Let's not forget that covid rocked up in March 2020 in significant numbers. It wasn't until February 2021 until vaccinations became the norm.
I had it in April, caught from a mate at a gig. We still keep a box of tests knocking around just to confirm so whoever has it knows whether they to keep themselves away from the rest of the family so we don’t all end up catching it or that they just have man flu!
Have any of you had it before?

My eldest son has never had Covid. Now bear in mind during Covid he was a prison officer. His girlfriend was also worked in the prison in another area. It was absolutely rife around the prison - and still is.
His girlfriend has had it at least 8 times - every time a new strain comes out, she gets it.

Genuinely, he's never tested positive for it.

The wife and I have had it once. But we both work from home and are hermits (I go into the office once a week, but I sit in a huge room with 3 other people and we're 2 metres away from each other).

My parents have just had covid for the first time, my dad being 77, diabetic, hypertensive and an almost lifelong secret (from mum) smoker had to get the doctor up as he was very unwell. Dr was genuinely surprised it was the first time they had had it.
Went to see the foo fighters the other week 3 days later felt what I presumed as Covid symptoms. Tested my self as we still had a few kits left and was positive. I was going to Holland with work and the wife was going to Majorca with her girlfriends the following week, so we lived in separate rooms until I was clear about 6 days later.

And nearly 6 weeks later still got a bit of a cough.
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