Couple of questions if you have 5 minutes spare!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2012
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Hi guys got a couple of questions if you can spare 5 minutes.

1) I've got a cooper cerveza mix in my fv, I'm thinking of leaving it 7-9 days to finish fermenting then transferring it to another fv which as a little bottler attached. When transferring it to the second fv is it better to add the sugar straight away and bottle or leave a few more days in second fv to make sure it's finished fermenting? I bought some cooper carb bombs so I don't mind priming the bottles indivually instead of doing it in the fv.

2) I really like the idea of using the 5ltr water bottles for making tc and wow mixes, firstly which bungs would I use as I'm pretty sure the standard red ones would be to small.

3) Whens the chat room open as I was on the other day but the link as gone now? Lol
1) secondary happens in the bottle, because it cant escape the gas (same one released through your airlock) stays in the bottle. hence, carbonation/pressure.

2) to be honest I just drill a hole in the lid and squeeze the airlock in. they don't last long anyway because you'll crunch them up, they'll get a bit funky, whatever, so it's not like you're damaging it! you could add the grommit you use in a bucket alternatively, which would be better, but I don't see an issue in bodging an airlock in...

3) friday-sunday and bank hols :)
hello dont add any more sugar to your brew till you bottle if you move it to 2ns FV and add sugar all it will do is start working again and you will have to wait again. Add your sugar as you bottle either individually to each bottle or batch prime but then immediately bottle.
You can get smaller bungs/air lock grommets to fit. your local home brew shop should sell them.

re chat.... don't know I thought I'd been barred as the links gone....

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