Corny Question

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Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
Axiom Brewing
Hi All.

I've got a couple of cornies on semi-permanent loan.

One of them is odd. It looks identical to my others but I can't get a disconnect on it. It's also got "Firestone" engraved on it, so I'm assuming it's not made by Cornelious.

Am I going to have a problem with this one, or is it as easy as replacing the posts? or looking through the box of junk I got given for some disconnects that might fit (problem - they're all the black ones).

Ideas chaps?
The disconnects are different sizes (the out one is black the gas in is grey). There is also a type called pin lock which is quite rare but easy to tell apart as they have pins sticking out of the posts on the keg.
steve_flack said:
The disconnects are different sizes (the out one is black the gas in is grey). There is also a type called pin lock which is quite rare but easy to tell apart as they have pins sticking out of the posts on the keg.

Yes, I know that. Just wondered if the ball-lock ones could differ between makes of kegs.
This would appear to be the case. I brought a gas disconnect into work with me to try it.

Oh well. I can live with that for a while. I'll just pick up some posts and poppits from H&G.

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