if you can cold crash the beer before you put it into your corny keg. this will drop allot of the yeast out and clear it up somewhat. you will only get minimal trub then. usually the first pint is a bit cloudy but after that its spot on.
Not bothered that it needs cleaning at the price it was offered. I just want to know the best way of getting it thoroughly cleaned. Considering getting another already :whistle:They got a huge load in and decided to sell at £35 - cleaning them all was probably not an option - and if it keeps the price down I'm ok with that myself. :thumb:
Any one else received their corny yet from The Home Brew Company?
I received mine today. It's beaten to hell. Scratched (as you'd expect), dented quite badly and covered in half peeled off delivery labels!
No matter what I do to it, it ain't gonna look pretty.
Another question re these kegs. As it draws from the very bottom, there isn,t much room for any of the dregs that a regular bottom-tap plastic barrel has. So, I guess some additional filtering is required when racking - any suggestions?
I just draw off half a pint and chuck it down the sink. The rest should be clear.
The bottoms are shaped so the beer is funnelled toward the outlet tube, so the sediment will come out first.
Don't forget these are not designed to be primed, rather force carbonation via CO2, so there should be minimal sediment.