Cornies, King kegs and Beer Engines

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Jul 31, 2008
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Picking up on Wez's comments in the Using Finings thread. I have invested (my wife believes me) in an Angram beer engine and was going to rig it up to cornie. I hope you don't mind another topic. I'd like to get this up and running for my next finished beer.
For rigging it up to a Cornie you may want to chat to J_P - pretty sure thats how he uses his (three) beer engines :thumb:

I have one beer engine and basically it's set up like this :

King Keg with s30 valve in a serving fridge set at 12c
Wide guage (dunno what) line attached to standard drum tap, secured with hose clip
This then steps down via a reducer from Barley Bottom to Narrow Guage ( :? ) beerline
The Beerline then goes into a check valve
The Check Valve means that I can leave the pressurised KK tap open as the beer only gets as far as the CV
Out of the other side of the CV the beer line (wide guage) goes direct to the beer engine
As you pull the handle it creates a vacuum which opens the CV and allows beer to be fed through

I keep the KK topped up with C02 using a Widget World system.

I love beer through the engine :thumb:

I'll get some pics of how it's set up :D
Thanks Wez :thumb: I didn't have time to reply last night. So what your saying is that you keep your KK under pressure and it goes up to the non return v/v then to the hand pump :?: I was thinking of doing this with a cornie but keeping the pressure down to a couple of psi. A pic would be appreciated and if J_P comes on I'd welcome his advice.
Kingfisher said:
Thanks Wez :thumb: I didn't have time to reply last night. So what your saying is that you keep your KK under pressure and it goes up to the non return v/v then to the hand pump :?: I was thinking of doing this with a cornie but keeping the pressure down to a couple of psi. A pic would be appreciated and if J_P comes on I'd welcome his advice.

You might have trouble with the cornie sealing at such low pressure. I believe you have to swap the seals for different ones - available from candirect.
Kingfisher said:
Thanks Wez :thumb: I didn't have time to reply last night. So what your saying is that you keep your KK under pressure and it goes up to the non return v/v then to the hand pump :?:

Yep thats how it works, I use a WW gas system so it's not regulated but after a few pints have been drawn I just squeeze the handle to add c02 to the keg. The CV only lets beer flow when you pull on the pump handle :cool:

Just looking for some pics....

The pics aren't great..

KK showing beerline attached to keg tap

KK lid with WW S30 adaptor attached

WW Gas Cylinder & Handle

Beerline runs to Check Valve (mounted under table) then out of the CV to the beer engine.

In the pic above though I actually had a cask connected directly to the engine.

I'll have to take a pic of the CV.
Cheers for the pics W :thumb: . I connected the vented cornie directly to the beer engine and put a disconnect onto the inlet side. It worked. It also works without the inlet side being open just a little harder to pump.
Wez said:
For rigging it up to a Cornie you may want to chat to J_P - pretty sure thats how he uses his (three) beer engines :thumb:

I have one beer engine and basically it's set up like this :

King Keg with s30 valve in a serving fridge set at 12c
Wide guage (dunno what) line attached to standard drum tap, secured with hose clip
This then steps down via a reducer from Barley Bottom to Narrow Guage ( :? ) beerline
The Beerline then goes into a check valve
The Check Valve means that I can leave the pressurised KK tap open as the beer only gets as far as the CV
Out of the other side of the CV the beer line (wide guage) goes direct to the beer engine
As you pull the handle it creates a vacuum which opens the CV and allows beer to be fed through

I keep the KK topped up with C02 using a Widget World system.

I love beer through the engine :thumb:

I'll get some pics of how it's set up :D

Your joking aren't you? Why the **** would anyone use one???? That sounds like a right palaver. :wha:
Especially as i see a handle from a beer engine here for sale-NZ$250. They must think piss heads are flush or something?
MEB said:
Your joking aren't you? Why the **** would anyone use one???? That sounds like a right palaver. :wha:
Especially as i see a handle from a beer engine here for sale-NZ$250. They must think piss heads are flush or something?

Bloody good fun mate :) I always wanted to use one. This one, Angram 1/2 pint with cooling jacket, cost about 70 bucks complete. I'm thinking about setting it up outside our local "real ale" pub on the back of my truck to dispense free samples of my top quality ale. You should get one, the Japanicans would love it. :thumb:
I wouldn't be without mine :D if can be a faff cleaning beer lines and the like, but spending a bit of time getting it ready for use is all part of the fun isn't it? IMO thats why home/craft brewing is so interesting, it doesn't have to stop at making beer :grin:

Brewstew and Smod had their first experience of using a beer engine when the visited for a brewday recently, it's surprising how many people have been served through one all of their lives but never used one :shock:
and...and......don't forget how good they look, and that they are a MUST HAVE accessory for any TRUE beer lover

over to you MEB :rofl: :hmm:

and yes....mines also shiny :lol:
I'm thinking of getting another one before Christmas, for only £45 it lets me have 2 different beers through beer engines :thumb:

that beer engine was dead fun to use Wez. and so easy. though i dont think i'd be investing in one myself.i'll stick to my gas powered taps and bottles for now ;)
MEB said:
Wez said:
Your joking aren't you? Why the **** would anyone use one???? That sounds like a right palaver. :wha:
Especially as i see a handle from a beer engine here for sale-NZ$250. They must think piss heads are flush or something?

MEB you own a :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: boat :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: and live on a volcano with a depleted ozone layer.