cornies and starter kit

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Active Member
Jul 8, 2011
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im looking to put my 3rd batch into a cornie, when done in the FV and i put it into the cornie do i still needto add sugar or does the co2 prime it in place of the sugar.

i know its a stupid question but i'd rather ask than make a mess of my brew! :sick:
You can either force carbonate with c02, or use priming sugar and naturally carbonate. Up to you, but me and most others carbonate with c02. :thumb:
So if I was to "force " it is it drinkable when its just put in the cornie or do I need to wait?
you need to put the beer from the fv into the corny through the out disconnect post make sure keg and tube is sterile while your keg is filling leave the pressure release valve open. When full to just under the in tube inside the keg close release valve and gas up to 20psi release gas through the pressure release valve and repeat this 2 or 3 times then finally gas up to 20 ish psi and store for a week or two then sample :thumb: :thumb:
Force carbonating means you can drink it a little quicker. I set the pressure to 10 psi and leave it a couple of days. If its a lager usuall a week and a half, beer 3-4 days but it depends on the level of carbonation you want, and also the temperature of your beer/lager in the cornie. The colder it is the more c02 it absorbs. once carbonated just set your pressure to 4-5 psi and drink it but there is nothing wrong with sampling it whilst its carbonating untill you get the right level you want. Some people like it different to others so keep trying it untill your happy. :thumb: