Coriander beer?

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Jun 6, 2011
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I remember trying some coriander ale in my local years ago and really enjoying it, which surprised me as I can't stand coriander.
Has anyone here ever used it in making beer and would know how much to use? I was thinking of adding some seeds in with the hops but don't want to overdo it.
Not sure if this helps, but I tried Hoegaarden the other day, and it just tasted of pepper and coriander, with some orange. On a search on wikipedia these are theingredients, so perhaps a Hoegaarden clone recipe might give you an idea for the quantity?
you want to make a Wit or Hefe and add crushed coriander seeds - there are loads of recipes around.

For info, a couple of years ago we ran a wheat beer meeting and the Hoegarden was almost unanimously voted the worst beer of the night compared to the homebrewed versions. Give it a go - you will love it. :thumb:
WelshPaul said:
I remember trying some coriander ale in my local years ago and really enjoying it, which surprised me as I can't stand coriander.
Has anyone here ever used it in making beer and would know how much to use? I was thinking of adding some seeds in with the hops but don't want to overdo it.

you might be thinking of umbel ale - it uses seeds which taste really different from the fresh green stuff Beer tasting notes.htm

i was going to have a punt at this as well.
?maybe fuggles - dont think it has a goldings taste?? but i dont taste much late hop in it
toasted seeds late in boil (and maybe in the mash too if you read the website)
english ale yeast
dogchillibilly said:
you might be thinking of umbel ale - it uses seeds which taste really different from the fresh green stuff
I dunno - they both taste vile to me! :D

Thanks for the link, I'll give it a go when the current 15l batch I made this weekend has been decanted into bottles.

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