Coopers Irish Stout.

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Jan 11, 2013
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Ok so my coopers Irish stout has been bubbling away for 5 days now. How long does it normally take at around 22c to ferment the 23 litre batch? After it is finished do i just bung it into bottles or do i need to decant into another fv for a secondary ferment? Its my first brew so i want it to turn out drinkable at least. Coopers carbonation drops in a 2lt bottle or sugar? How much?
The last time I did this kit I just let it finish. I think it took about 10 days or at least I left it 10 days then I bottled some and put the rest in a corny. I have to say this one tasted better in bottles. But it took a couple of months to reach maturity. Nice stout.
stout is fast. it might be over in 2 days. but give it at least a week even if initial fermentation is very quick! i would suggest wrapping a bin liner over it too, it can be explosive...

IF it goes over the airlock, attach a syphon tube to the end of the airlock, and point the syphon into a bucket of sterilized water. that'll push the excess out - no risk of infection and no mess!

you can use a secondary if you want - syphon into there, add your priming sugar, stir through and then bottle.

if not, just prime your bottles one at a time and syphon into them, avoiding the yeast cake. make a note of the last couple of bottles as they'll be your bad ones - maybe containing more trub - and drink them first to test it. :cheers:
I was going to carbonate using the coopers drops but have decided to batch prime in secondary instead and then bottle. Due to a lack of being able to get brown glass beer bottles locally i am going to use 2litre fizzy bottles for this one to get me going. This is being stored until Paddys Day so should be well nice by then.

Doing a few more 5 litre experiments in the meantime to keep me going.
Try to get some decent 500ml or so bottles mate. To me 2 ltr fizz bottles just say "cheap homebrew". Gather them up, from friends, recycle bins, buy some magners when on offer, or even buy some coopers pet bottles.ST patrick wouldnt drink stout from 2ltr fizz bottles. :lol:
bottler said:
Try to get some decent 500ml or so bottles mate. To me 2 ltr fizz bottles just say "cheap homebrew". Gather them up, from friends, recycle bins, buy some magners when on offer, or even buy some coopers pet bottles.ST patrick wouldnt drink stout from 2ltr fizz bottles. :lol:

Damn right, he was Welsh, he'd drink Brains Dark ;)
he was Welsh boyo,sure he would drink it from a donkeys ear taffy like :cheers: Ya i know what ye mean about the cheapo bottles but when things go tits up and you need them its a cheap and fast way out of a bind. Anyway i have at least another three weeks before i will need them for the stout, i have a source for erdinger bottles and some tiger beer bottles, just need to find transport. Might just decide to order new glass ones from a homw brew site instead and get them delivered to my door.