Coopers instructions question

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Active Member
Jan 5, 2012
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On the website I bought my kit from it says this:
"Intended to be mixed with 500g Light Dry Malt and 300g Coopers Dextrose to 23 litres."

Followed by:

"Coopers Brewmaster India Pale Ale Beer Kit
Contains 1.7kg Malt extract
Makes 40 Pints (23 Litres)
Requires to ferment:- Basic Fermenting Equipment
1kg Brewing Sugar with 500g Light Dry Malt
Also available in a coopers starter kit with pet bottles
Basic Barreling Equipment Starter kit"

I haven't got dextrose but have brewing sugar. Am I right in thinking I need 300g of brewing sugar and that it only says lkg as that's the only way they sell it?

It may seem quite simple but I don't want to mess it up. Also doesn't 800g of sugar seem low?
Look up the beer kit you have actually got on coopers site. They give individual instructions and recommendations for all the kits they do...

Depending on the kit it can be anywhere between 100 grams and 1500 grams of 'sugars' needed... ... troduction

Where they refer to Brew Kit Enhancer rather than sugar or DME here's what coopers BKE contains...

60% Sugar (Dextrose)
40% Maltodextrin

50% Sugar (Dextrose)
25% Dry Malt Extract
25% Maltodextrin

So you can make up your own equivalents...

The plot thickens.

I contacted their customer services who said that:

500g of sugar is about the same as 550g of dextrose or 600g of LDM.
Which is very interesting because on the packs of brewing sugar (dextrose) and spraymalt that I buy it says 1:1 for sugar...

Basically I wouldn't worry about it. Brewing Sugar is dextrose (inverted glucose), Beer Enhancer is a mix of sugars and spraymalt, sparymalt is as you could guess spray dried malt extract (mostly maltose and some other stuff, mostly fermentable).

Spraymalts give better body, if you are looking for nice clean lagers you want alcohol without the malt so go with dextrose.

If I'm doing a particular kit for the first time I tend to do it "straight" then I've got a baseline to tweak from next time...

Basically - brew it as it says on the tin.

This time. :)