Coopers Heritage Beer

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New Member
Mar 30, 2012
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Hi Guys,

I'm completely new to this home brewing game but really enjoying it. I'm about to bottle my first Coopers kit, "Canadian Blonde" this weekend which didn't come out great but not too bad.
Next week I'm planning on doing the Coopers "Heritage Lager" Kit. Has any body brewed this kit before? ... -254-p.asp

Has anybody any tips as to what sugars or DME's to add to get the best out of this brew? Or indeed any general tips that might improve this type of Home Brew kit?

Cheers in advance

Ben :cheers:
Hello mate.

I brewed this one a few months ago.
I used 1 kg of spray malt...bottled after a week and tried it after a further 2 weeks.

Its a great tasting beer but I noticed for some reason it stayed REALLY cloudy for ages - luckily I brewed it with the intention of keeping it for the Champions league final (in May) - I actually tried one this evening (2 months after bottling) and its as clear as a bell, crispy clean and delicious....I would recommend.

Was thinking of having a go at this one myself,it's been recommended a couple of times on here.....

Dermy,what ABV did you end up with using the Spraymalt? What was your OG and FG? Was it the light or medium spraymalt you used? Sorry to bamboozle you with questions mate it just that I'm new to this whole game myself and getting wholly engrossed in it :)

Ancor mate.

I'd love to more precise and helpful but I really can't - I used 1kg Muntons extra light spray malt but as for OG and FG - I really haven't a clue....I'm very much a "chuck it all in the FV and when the airlock stops bubbling we're ready to rock" kind of brewer...but I can tell you that this particular one is definitely worth doing.
I also know that after 3 or 4 pints and I started feeling a little tiddly (and for me that's pretty unusual!)
Best of luck.
Ha ha Dermy,

Well I guess it is all about the end product which is the drinking of the beer,well done and fair play to you,I guess it's easy to get over complicated about it all.
Thanks for tips and advice and best of luck with the rest of your brewing. :drink:

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