AKA - RobsHomebrew
So I've had a European larger mini kegged and conditioning in the fridge at 2c for just short of 2 weeks now and after work today I couldn't resist opening a keg up and having a few pints,,,,,,,,,,,,OK not a few pints as I'm currently still drinking my keg and I'm on my 5th pint already and I can see no slowing up until I'm 1 keg down. Anyway, concidering its very young, its god dam beautiful, such a great sessionable lager, I'm very very impressed, I only used the standard ingredients but next time I think I will use 500g of dextrose and 700g of light sprey malt, iv not got a very good head retention but I put that down to using only dextrose and no sprey malt. other than that I personally wouldn't mess with it as it tastes great. One more thing the carbonation in my mini keg is OK but its not great, its not flat nor isit spot on so idI'd use 4 tsp instead of 3tsps of sugar for priming next time. Maybe the carbonation will have improved after several more weeks of conditioning, I'll keep you informed. As for taste I can taste hops and a slight caramel note, at the moment their is a suttle smell of sulpher but that will completely diserpate with more time conditioning, having said all that it really does taste great, what a kit, I would definitely brew this again, one more note to add is I fermented it at around 14 and 15 c as it contains a true lager yeast. If added a couple of pics, let me know your thoughts people. Brew on!!!!!!!!