coopers english bitter

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Active Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi guys

Has any one tried the new bitter from coopers.

Any tips and whats it like..

yep, coopers english is a goodun, am drinking from bottles and its the way i did bump it up a little , i put a 450g jar of holland and barrett lme in with it !! :drink:

drinking coopers english
bottled coopers irish stout..wherry bitter.....milestones black peal plus carob syrup
I try and stay away from coopers like the plague! I did one of their kits, a mexican lager. After 3 months maturing it had a nice 'candy' aftertaste, but not what I would call a premium beer by any rate. I am looking forward to my extract brew North German Larger & my Dusselsorf Alt soon. Both with steeped grains and hops!
Did the bitter this afternoon and within a hour all the bubbles have disapeared of the top.
Is this normal.
I used spray malt for the first time.

Any Thoughts
I think spray malt is a necessary. I have done a Brewferm wheat beer kit with sugar in both wort an priming stage. Not sure what it tastes like yet though, waiting for a at least 4 weeks in the bottle before tasting it. Generally I don't find many people recommending sugar over spray malt...
i am a Coopers fan. Dark ale is top gear for me.
I have 23 litres of English Bitter in my keg, so far i am unsure of this one( its my first Coopers doubt), hopfully im wrong, i want this to be good.
got another IPA on the go, Dark ale next.
All this talk of dark ale is making me want to brew a batch. Unfortunately what I REALLY want is to brew 40 pints that tastes exactly like Pedigree. I doubt Coopers have done that. I think I will have to go over to the dark side to get my wish...
2 days in to brewing now and all of a sudden it has really started to ferment the cake is touching the lid of the fermenter and im really suprised because it went pretty life less after the first 24hrs.
Kyral210 said:
All this talk of dark ale is making me want to brew a batch. Unfortunately what I REALLY want is to brew 40 pints that tastes exactly like Pedigree. I doubt Coopers have done that. I think I will have to go over to the dark side to get my wish...

You're probably right, but the Coopers Dark is VERY good, I've got a barrel sitting that I am trying not to touch, made it with 50% extra dark spray malt... the taster was very, very good!! :thumb:

andymat said:
2 days in to brewing now and all of a sudden it has really started to ferment the cake is touching the lid of the fermenter and im really suprised because it went pretty life less after the first 24hrs.

Put my English on today, with a 1kg bag of beer enhancer, nt much happening yet.. keep us posted so I know what to expect... :D
One weekend later and it's gone totally mad, enormous cake of froth at the top and it smells absolutely superb! This could be a good brew... :grin:
Six days into my brew and it has a abv of 2.9% and doesnt look like its goin to be and stronger.
Could i give it a stir to make sure all the yeast and sugars have come together.

You could... subject to the usual sterilisation issues regarding spoons etc... But really the fermentation process should do most of the agitation that's needed all by itself... What sort of temperature are you running at?
Sorry andymat, I'd have risked a stir...

Bottled my Coopers' English today... good colour, quite dark, good aroma, but a little light on the alcohol for my usual tastes and came in at only 3.6% by my calculations... but, I'm hopeful... could be a good session beer :cheers:
Tried two bottles of my Coopers English Bitter last night, bottled only 19/11, it was absolutely excellent, possibly my best Coopers brew yet. Really good colour & aroma, no significant sediment and tasted very good.

I'm sold on this one, it's a winner for a kit! :thumb: :cheers: