Constant co2 feed. Advice needed

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May 21, 2020
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Hi there. I've tried to find the answer to this on the forum but I can't quite find exactly what I need to work with my kegs (To be honest I've looked at so many options I'm starting to confuse myself).

So I have 2 KingKegs from Balliihoo (4" Barrel cap with S30 Injection valve and Schrader valve)

Linky to what I mean here...
I want to be able to use a gas regulator to link a standard soda stream bottle like this to both my KingKegs...
I've got myself really confused what I need to do this. Would someone be able to put me out of my misery and tell me (ideally with a link to where I can buy one) the following...

A) The type of dual co2 regulator I need.
B) the connectors, leads and anything else I need to connect and hook it up to my valves mentioned above. (This bit has me really twisted up in knots)

Thanks everyone. Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
Hi there. That's the idea. My concern is that's for a Corny keg which I presume has a different fitting? If anyone has experience of this with an s30 or Schrader fitting like mine id be interested in knowing? Ideally a dual option as well instead of a single one.
I've modified my King Kegs and have got rid of the S30 connector in the cap. Instead I charge through a Schrader valve using a Brewgas cylinder and an adaptor, that includes the Halfords footpump hose, that I made myself. It's not a permanent connection though.
Just thought I'd share my solution in case anyone else has the same KingKegs and s30 connection issue.

So from the soda stream bottle, I'm using this regulator...
This one also works but the low price from darkfarm persuaded me...
Finally. To link it to my s30 valve, (This is the bit I was struggling with)...
So there you go. Hopefully the info might come in useful to others.
Just thought I'd share my solution in case anyone else has the same KingKegs and s30 connection issue.

So from the soda stream bottle, I'm using this regulator...
This one also works but the low price from darkfarm persuaded me...
Finally. To link it to my s30 valve, (This is the bit I was struggling with)...
So there you go. Hopefully the info might come in useful to others.
Good job @Wardyblade . Out of interest, was there a reason you wanted to connect the CO2 feed to the S30 valve at a cost of £15 rather than connect to the Schrader valve at a cost of £4 using a foot pump replacement hose?
One thing I would say is as the S30 valve safety valve (rubber band) has a reputation for leaking, you might want to replace it with a proper job.
No reason other than I wanted to use a food grade hose. The bike pump option just seems a bit of a botch job and not a long term solution. Just personal opinion really.
The 4" caps and valves I have seen good quality. They tend to use rubber seals not the thin rubber band release. I'm hoping they'll be up to the job.

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