I purchased my next two brews today first being St Peters Red Ruby Ale kit which I've nearly drunk the first brew. Suited me and my son very well indeed and turned into a lovely clear pint, but alas its nearly all gone.... so another 40 pints will be going on shortly...
The second 2 can kit I bought today is new to me Muntons Old Conkerwood Black Ale.
I see from a search on the forum several members have made this and overall it has has favourable reviews. Anyone got any recent reviews on this ale after a few weeks/months storage, especially in bottles ?
I've been told that its not a stout, not a dark ale but classed under a separate identity as a Black Beer, what they meant re that I'm unsure. %abv is supposedly around 5%.
So tonight I shall be ensconced in my garage and kitchen putting this one together, supping a couple of home brews in the process whilst all those " beautiful " people are heading off to the nightclubs etc for their own fix. ( mustn't mock the afflicted ) poor things.
In fact I might put a cd on and jig a bit myself.... :party: :party:
The second 2 can kit I bought today is new to me Muntons Old Conkerwood Black Ale.
I see from a search on the forum several members have made this and overall it has has favourable reviews. Anyone got any recent reviews on this ale after a few weeks/months storage, especially in bottles ?
I've been told that its not a stout, not a dark ale but classed under a separate identity as a Black Beer, what they meant re that I'm unsure. %abv is supposedly around 5%.
So tonight I shall be ensconced in my garage and kitchen putting this one together, supping a couple of home brews in the process whilst all those " beautiful " people are heading off to the nightclubs etc for their own fix. ( mustn't mock the afflicted ) poor things.
In fact I might put a cd on and jig a bit myself.... :party: :party: