Confused first turbo brew....

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Shouldn't be a problem. If you want it still, probably best to stabilise it properly with sorbate&sulphite. If you just want ti "not too gassy", add just a tiny bit of priming sugar, and the ferment from that ought to keep the stuff in good nick.
graysalchemy said:
YoungJames said:
graysalchemy said:
Don't use the Alcotec turbo yeast it is not for cider or for that matter anything apart from making High alcohol washes which need to be filtered. I would take it back as that stuff is not cheap you were badly advised.

I made scratty Kilju with that stuff, it tasted like ****.

If you have the desire to use turbo yeasts then you have to filter them with activated charcoal to get all the Sh*te out of it first, not something I would want to drink yet you see youtube experts advocating it. :evil:

It was an experiment .... a failed one, you live and learn. Still got two bottles of it somewhere.
You mentioned stabilizing the brew, could this not be achieved by crushing half a camden tablet to each 5 litre bag ???
coopsy said:
You mentioned stabilizing the brew, could this not be achieved by crushing half a camden tablet to each 5 litre bag ???

Campden on its own will guard against oxidation but won't stabilise. You need sorbate as well.
Thanks Oldbloke, your fast becoming my favorite brewing legend........will the amounts , weights, measures, etc be explained on the packaging ?....
coopsy said:
Thanks Oldbloke, your fast becoming my favorite brewing legend........will the amounts , weights, measures, etc be explained on the packaging ?....

um, for wine it's something like half to 1 tsp potassium sorbate and 1 crushed Campden tablet per gallon.
But if you buy commercial stabiliser it may have both chemicals in it anyway - check the label!
I dunno that you have to scale up by volume of brew, it's the amount of yeast it's trying to deal with rather than quantity of liquid...
Never needed to stabilise more than 1 gallon myself. Hmmmm.
coopsy said:
Thanks Oldbloke, your fast becoming my favorite brewing legend.

Don't get over-excited, I just had 5 gallons of mild grow a load of mould...
My first post... :-)

Turbo Yeast has nothing to do with Turbo Cider, despite the name.

Turbo yeast is used (correct me if I'm wrong) for making alcohol for distillation (basically illegal in the UK). It fills the product with crud and isn't very nice, so is mixed with activated charcoal to clean it up, then it's distilled (at which point biproducts are less of a problem...)

Turbo Cider is called "Turbo" because it's quick to make because you don't have to process the apples yourself, as it's made from Juice.

My suspicion is your local brewing shop doesn't really know what it's doing, if they don't know that. You want Cider or Champagne yeast for cider. Although some people have had good results with ale yeast, I believe.

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