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Nov 20, 2012
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Just had brew of Coopers Dark Ale finish fermenting. Should I know leave it in my FV or transfer into my keg for conditioning? Is it then supposed to go through a period or warm conditioning then cold or vice versa? If so approx what temps are recommended, and how long for each?
Once mine have finished fermenting I move the FV to a cold location for 3 or 4 days and this drops the yeast out. I would then bottle with priming sugar and leave the bottles in the warm house for 2 weeks at 18C. Then at least 1 week in cold (though 3 would be better).

Then drink. :drink:
You are best leaving it a fermentation temp for 2-3 days after fementation in order that the yeast cleans up after itself, a diacetyl rest. then put it somewhere cool for 5-7 days so that the yeast drops out. Then bottle, again 1 week in the warmth and then at least 3 weeks in the cold, then it should be ready to drink. :thumb:

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