Conditioning Beer

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Dec 12, 2012
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So my beer did its thing and was transfered in pressure barrell, currently been there 1 week and 2 days should i pour a little glass and try some or just leave the 2 weeks? also it has been inside my home which is relativly warm do i need to move barrell outside for 2 weeks? thought i read 2weeks warm 2 cold?
Why not try a little... can't harm it. But leave it the full 2 weeks in the warm anyway, that won't harm it either.
The 2 week rule is for guidance. At this time of year the average temperature inside houses tends to be lower than others (or at least there are big fluctuations) so it can take a bit longer for the beer to condition. So by all means sample the beer - if it meets your expectations then move somewhere colder, if not leave a few more days. It may take two weeks or it may take three.

The same goes for cold conditioning. You will generally be rewarded for patience but I usually use the old football saying: "if he's good enough he's old enough".
Just poured a glass of my beer out and tbh its tastes pretty nice although it is still very cloudy! so gonna need a bit longer in barrel i think