Comparing hop prices

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Well here is the one I started last night. So far it's just collating data. I think easiest is if every supplier has a sheet, which can be updated individually, and then the first sheet is a lookup page (which I haven't created yet). That way, the extra details (year etc) can be found by those who want them, and the lookup page can find cheapest option and add shipping for each.
Ok I've sampled 5 hops in 100g packs mainly pellets and 2019 vintage, except Saaz from WHS 2018. I've included the shipping. The hops are
Suppliers and totals
WHS £28.70
CML £28.19
GEB £29.70
THBC £34.80
I once made a price tracker for crypto stuff in Google sheets, and there are functions in the formula part to enable lookups from html tags. I.e. you can scrape the vendor site. This only works if the vendor doesn't change the layout, and there are some annoying site designs that make it more difficult such as dynamically generated content... though most of our shops are simple enough.

Ah, looking back it seems it needed a plugin to help generate the path, I.e. the below content of one of my cells is unreadable! J6 is the page address cell.

=IMPORTXML(J6, "//*[contains(concat( ' ', @class, ' ' ), concat( ' ', 'text-center', ' ' ))]//*[contains(concat( ' ', @class, ' ' ), concat( ' ', 'mb-4', ' ' ))]")

I'll see if I can find how I did it!

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