Colour help

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Jul 16, 2009
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I'm trying to get a nice rich red colour. I've tried using a little roasted barley with limited success and using black never worked.

Say for a 23ltr brew I was using 4.3kg of MO, 150g of crystal 60. My research says I should use a little roasted barley to get a red colour, around about 100g?

Trying to develop a house ale and have the taste I want, lots of bobek fermented with notty, just need to get the colour right

Cheers Sean :drink:
Hi Sean

A little roast barley will cetainly give your beer a reddish tint but will also impart those roasty flavours to your beer (which may or may not be what you are after). You could think about using Melanoidin Malt to promote the red colour.
If you want the colour but without much flavor, grind the roast up fairly fine, then sprinkle it on top of the mash just before you are about to sparge, you will get the colour but only a minimal flavor addition to the brew, Its how they make a lot of the black IPA's.

Thanks guys, I searched melanoidin malt and it came up in a Irish red ale, also found it at £2.40 per 500g at a few UK suppliers so will try that :thumb:

Nice trick about finely grinding the roast barley, got to try this too :thumb: